COLBERT COUNTY-On Wednesday, December 31st the Colbert County Sheriff’s Department conducted an interview with a theft victim. Here is how Sheriff Ronnie May describes the events leading up to the arrest of two men:
On 12-31-14 CCSO took theft report from victim on Hawkpride Mt Rd. Victim arrived at home and found two subjects driving a black chevrolet tahoe stuck in his yard. The two men were backed up to his 16 foot trailor. Deputies were called and they questioned the two men. the two men were held for investigation. Upon being interviewed there was an admission that the two men were there to steal the 16 foot trailor and take it back to Walker County for sale. Williams initailly used a false name and signed documents using that false name in talking with the Investigators. The approximate value of the trailor was $1000.
Cody Cyle Williams, age 21, 3007 Hull Rd, Empire, Al has been charged with the following: