Troopers Investigate Five Traffic Fatalities During Labor Day

by Roger Murphy
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trooper-0523jpg-f1366ad17a15a495_largeMONTGOMERY – During the Labor Day 2014 holiday travel period, which began at 12:01 a.m. Friday, Aug. 29, and ran through midnight Monday, Sept. 1, Alabama State Troopers investigated five fatal traffic crashes resulting in five deaths. The crashes during this 96-hour travel period occurred in Mobile, Elmore and Lauderdale counties. Based on preliminary investigation, seat belts were available to three of the individuals killed, but only one was using a seat belt. The other two individuals killed were riding bicycles. In 2013, the Labor Day holiday travel period was 78 hours, and troopers investigated five fatal crashes resulting in six deaths. Nothing further is available on the weekend’s crashes as Alabama State Troopers continue to investigate.alea The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) was created by Act 2013-67 and represents the consolidation and realignment of 12 state law enforcement agencies/functions into one entity. ALEA is currently in a transition period, and upon full implementation on January 1, 2015, will be responsible for the functions and missions of the Alabama Department of Homeland Security, Department of Public Safety, Alabama Bureau of Investigation, Fusion Center, Criminal Justice Information Center, Marine Police, Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Enforcement, Department of Revenue Enforcement, Forestry Commission Investigations, Agricultural and Industry Investigations, Public Service Commission Enforcement, and Office of Prosecution Service Computer Forensics Lab. MEDIA RELEASE/STATE OF ALABAMA/STATE OF ALABAMA LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY

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