HAMILTON – The Hamilton City Career Center is hosting a hospitality training session featuring the Marion County Extension Coordinator Carla Lewis. The training is designed to help frontline service industry professionals provide excellent service. Participants in this training will learn and practice excellent customer service skills.
The hospitality training session will be held at the Hamilton Career Center at 1481 Military St South, Hamilton, AL 35570 from 10:00 AM-11:00 AM on October 19, 2022.
Registration is required.
Jobseekers who wish to learn more about the event can contact:
Career Center: Alissa Brown, Manager, 205-921-5672 Ext. 85524, Alissa.Brown@alcc.alabama.gov
Extension Office: Carla Lewis, Marion County Extension Coordinator, 205-921-3551, cll0031@auburn.edu
Media Release/Alabama Department of Labor