TUSCUMBIA-Support victims of sexual violence in the Shoals by participating in Shoals Crisis Center’s Take a Stand 5K, Fun Run, and Concert!
The Take a Stand 5K Fun Run and Concert will take place Saturday, August 15 from 4:00 until 10:00 pm a tSpring Park in Tuscumbia.
Family friendly activities and music start at 4:00 pm! For 5K runners, registration and check-in will be from 4:30-5:45 pm, with the run beginning at 6:00 pm. For the Fun Runners, registration will be from 6:00-7:00 pm, with the run starting at 7:15 pm.
Then at 8:00 pm, bluegrass band Breaking Grass will perform (donations will be accepted at the door).
To learn more or to register, visit http://takeastand5k.itsyourrace.com or shoalscrisiscenter.org, or call 256-765-0025.