Sterling Glenn Phillips Jr.

by Lynn McMillen
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Sterling Glenn Phillips Jr Sterling Glenn Phillips Jr., critically acclaimed writer of poems, novelist, and avid sailor died in his home in Grant, AL at the age of 79.

Mr. Phillips led a life well-traveled, seeking out adventure, conversation, and good company with equal zeal. Born in Saint Louis, MO in 1945, Sterling attended The Country Day School where he was inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame in 2003 for Track and Field.

Sterling received a PhD in history from the University of California during his time in California in the 60’s and 70’s. Returning to Missouri in the 90’s, Sterling formed Pollyanna Press and was nationally recognized for his Princeton Award winning book, Poems from the Schoolhouse.

In Pacific and Gray Summit, MO, there are tales of the man who built a boat, bigger than his house; that man was Sterling, the boat The Allegory. The Allegory led to creative inspirations in Lake Guntersville, such as the Critical Edge Gallery on Main.

Survivors are his daughter, Melody Li Phillips; son, Oliver Dylan Phillips; daughter, Antonia “Toni” Phillips; sister, Nancy Kittelberger; his partner of 29 years, Judith Bay; seven grandchildren; and his brother, John Phillips.

The family will be honoring Sterling’s last wish to scatter his remains in Cades Cove (Great Smoky Mountains National Park) without pomp, ceremony, or fanfare (visitation or funeral services).

What Sterling lacked in physical wealth in this life, he made up for in generosity of spirit and he will be missed.

See the following link for full obituary and bio:

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