Spirit of Athens to honor volunteers, celebrate High Cotton

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spirit of athensATHENS-Spirit of Athens will honor volunteers who enhance downtown and celebrate the soon-to-open High Cotton Arts Center during its annual Spirit Awards Luncheon on Thursday, March 19, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Limestone County Event Center. The public is invited to this celebration that brings the community and downtown stakeholders together.

The organization, dedicated to the revitalization and preservation of Athens’ historical downtown, holds the event to recognize outstanding volunteers and supporters.

Trisha Black

Trisha Black

“We will honor those who have worked to keep downtown Athens active and beautiful,” said SOA Director Trisha Black. “This is also an opportunity for those who want to know more about our organization to learn about our efforts in downtown Athens.”

Spirit of Athens will present four awards: Volunteer of the Year, Downtown Revitalization Award, Spirit of Giving and Friend of Downtown. There will be a special presentation on the High Cotton Arts Center, opening downtown this spring.

unnamedThe High Cotton Arts Center is a non-profit art incubator that will include studio rental spaces, classrooms, and event and gallery space to advance the arts in our community. Construction is almost complete in the center, which is housed in the former W.E. Estes & Sons building on The Square. The Athens Arts League, a committee of the Spirit of Athens, is accepting applications from artists to claim their spot in the 10 studio spaces. The League also is planning children’s art camps, special art events and extensive education and entertainment opportunities.

Gail Bergeron, a Spirit of Athens board member and Athens State University professor

Gail Bergeron

Gail Bergeron

at the Alabama Center for the Arts, said having a space for artists has been a dream since 2006 when organizers hosted the first juried Art on the Square Festival on the courthouse lawn. After seven years of hosting the successful event, organizers decided to focus on other art opportunities instead of working on just one big event. In 2013, Art on the Square organizers merged with Spirit of Athens and changed the name to Athens Arts League. A partnership with H.C. Blake Co. provided the group with a building giving the committee a space to create affordable spaces for local artists.

“It’s so exciting to see our discussions and planning finally become a reality,” Bergeron said.

1378264_599651800092779_696559283_nBlack will also provide a peek at other upcoming news and events as well as a recap of Spirit of Athens’ 2014 highlights and accomplishments.

Local musician and member of Kozmic MaMa, Matthew Ennis, will entertain guests as they enjoy a meal prepared by Endless Catering.

The luncheon is a great opportunity to learn more about the Spirit of Athens, whose members include merchants, community members, local leaders and volunteers. The organization is responsible for bringing the Athens Saturday Market, Athens Grease Festival, Sippin’ Cider Festival, Chocolate Walk and many other events. Each of these brings tourism and revitalization to the downtown historic district, which covers a 15 block area that includes 147 buildings, over 90 of which are listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.

The Limestone County Event Center is located at 114 West Pryor St.  Space is limited, and the deadline to purchase tickets is Monday, March 16. Tickets are $25/person and may be purchased online at spiritawards2015.eventbrite.com or mail check payable to: Spirit of Athens, 107 N. Jefferson St, Athens, AL, 35611.To make reservations and pay at door, RSVP to spiritofathens@att.net. For more info, call 256-729-1160.  For more information about High Cotton Arts Center or to make a donation, email athensartsleague@gmail.com



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