TUSCUMBIA– Canvas, reusable recycling bags have been purchased thanks to the sponsorship of SCA and Wise Alloy. SSWA Recycling has over 1300 bags that we are now giving away to the community. These bags are made available to individuals who want to come to our center at 721 HWY 43 S in Tuscumbia to request one. The bags will also be given out at community events that we attend, including the upcoming Helen Keller Festival.
Firestone also generously donated bags to SSWA Recycling to be passed out as well.
These bags can be used to organizing your recycling, to tote your items to one of our recycling containers or anything that needs hauling, including groceries. These bags are 13x10x20, so they are a pretty good size. We hope this will encourage recycling participation and to cut down on the use of plastic bags.
Residents of Colbert and Franklin Counties can bring their recycling to the following locations:
Muscle Shoals: Leighton:
Easter Seals-Avalon Ave Across from Town Hall
Fire Department-Avalon Ave Colbert County School
River Road Texaco Ford City:
NWSCC Storm Shelter-County Line Rd.
Tuscumbia: Colbert Heights
Old Board of Education-Hwy 72 Melrose Store
Down Tuscumbia, Water St. Russellville
SSWA Recycling Center, Hwy 43 Solid Waste Dept-Carol Av.
Sheffield: Downtown Annex
The Village Subdivision Franklin County
Fire Department-2nd St Piggly Wiggly-Phil Campbell
Downtown-2nd & Raleigh Jason’s Store-E. Franklin
Dans’s Discount Center-2nd St. Cherokee:
Downtown-at Fire Dept.
1 comment
Remember if you choose to use reusable bags to carry groceries to periodically wash the bags in your washing machine since they have the tendency to harbor illness causing bacteria like e-coli and salmonella