Robyn Sue Wharton – Obituary

by Lynn McMillen
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Robyn Sue Wharton
October 14, 1958 – July 11, 2018

Robyn was born on October 14, 1958 in Huntsville, AL. She was the fifth child of Walter and Pauline Wharton. She was preceded in birth by her brothers Henry (or “Hank”), Joe and Tommy. Her only sister was Jackie.

Some of the activities Robyn enjoyed were listening to music, singing, cooking out on the grill, fishing … practically anything in the outdoors. Also, she played a rather “mean” harmonica! She was more of a “tom-boy” than a “girly-girl” and had a strong presence when she walked into a room. She stood 6 feet tall and you usually found her wearing a cowboy hat and boots, rather than a dress! Robyn went to a school that taught small engine repair and didn’t mind getting her hands greasy, when it came to working on someone’s car. Although she could appear a “rough and hardened” person – outside, inside … she was tender inside. She had a heart for people, when there was a need. She recently took water around to tornado victims in the New Market area. She loved to sit and talk to just about anyone, anytime; and she was a Red Cross volunteer during the series of tornadoes hitting Huntsville in April 1974. Robyn stayed all night at Huntsville Hospital with her Red Cross volunteer mom, assisting those giving up their room for others coming in who were less fortunate.

Robyn bonded closest to her oldest sibling, Hank. After Hank’s death in 2004, she never seemed to be quite as happy or easy-going, and his death seemed to take a toll on her. Hank was probably the most empathetic one, and no doubt helped fortify her identity and sense of purpose. Robyn struggled with Diabetes in the last years of her life and she eventually died due to complications associated with this disease.

Even though Robyn had many struggles in life, she did know The Lord and had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We have no doubt where she is now: in peace with her Creator and joined with the rest of the family members that have already passed before her. Gone are her heartaches and struggles; however, our heartache remains, for now. Robyn, you will be missed and you were loved by all of your family. Rest in peace, precious child!

The Wharton Family


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