Robotics Training Park Rebrands with New Technology

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 TANNER-The Alabama Robotics Technology Park in Tanner, Alabama is one of the most innovative training centers in the country. Opened in 2010, the Alabama RTP is going through a complete transition and focus as we move towards its 10th anniversary. The initial concept of the RTP was simple: workers from manufacturers all over Alabama train with the latest robots and automation tools free of charge. Just another incentive the state has to offer when it comes to landing economic development projects. Today, that incentive continues but with new concepts and tools to improve the reach of the RTP.

The Robotics Technology Park’s mission is to provide a technically trained, highly skilled, and educated workforce for automation and robotics, to assist public and private entities in developing new robotics systems and technologies, and to promote the creation, growth, or expansion of companies through innovative technology solutions.

Part of the rebranding effort involves new leadership at the park with a new AIDT Assistant Director for North Alabama, Kristi Bain and a new day to day RTP manager. This new energy will bring these new goals to fruition.

Technology is ever changing. And that means to remain technologically relevant the RTP has to change as well. New robotic technologies are being installed in the park to help further the education aspects of the park. This will allow us to remain beneficial to current Alabama employers looking for specific robotics education.

Some of the new technologies being introduced at the park include: comprehensive 3D printing and modeling curriculum, vision classes and quality control as well as virtual and augmented reality training.

In addition, the Toyota FAME (Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education) project will now be based at the Alabama Robotics Technology Park. This program includes a two-year technical Associate degree that combines cutting edge curriculum that entails advanced manufacturing technology, paid work experience, along with learning highly sought-after business principles and best practices of a world class manufacturer. In essence creating a pipeline of highly skilled workers. The initial local offices for the Mazda Toyota project will also be housed at the RTP until they are in their permanent offices.

Not all of the changes are happening inside the brick and mortar facilities. A rebranding effort is underway with the RTP Mobile Training Units introduced five years ago. A complete overhaul of the interior of the 53-foot semi-trailer will include new, interactive exhibits, simulator training for forklift safety and programmable robotics for students to interact with. The updated training lab is sponsored in part by FANUC, Miller, Universal Robots and Technical Training AIDS, Inc. The new rebranded training lab will be available for schools this fall.

Additionally, the smaller, more specialized mobile training lab is available for specific training and experiences at schools as well. This training lab will undergo a complete overhaul also and should be completed by the first quarter of 2019. Since June of 2013, more than 130,000 school children from around Alabama have toured the RTP mobile training labs.

Kristi Bain, Assistant Director of AIDT North Alabama says, “The changes and updates to the Alabama Robotics Technology Park are the natural progression of any training entity. It has been especially important to us, here at AIDT and to our partners, to keep enhancing and expanding the training and technology available at the RTP. It’s the only way to remain vital to our mission.”

“With new companies moving to and existing companies expanding in Alabama, AIDT is continuously upgrading its skill set as a training organization,” said Castile. “By staying on top of new technologies and advanced production processes, AIDT is able to keep producing a highly skilled, well-trained workforce and keep our clients safe, productive and profitable. We will continue to find ways to be innovative in our approach to training, developing and recruiting the workforce these industries require.”

“The Alabama Robotics Technology Park is a shining example of public/private partnerships that encourages job growth in Alabama.” said Governor Kay Ivey. “The recruitment of jobs, the retention of companies and helping them to grow, and then the innovation and entrepreneurship, is integral for the continued success of Alabama.”
While technologies change and equipment upgrades, the mission of AIDT and the Alabama Robotics Technology Park has always been about the citizens of Alabama and the training they need to secure the new high-paying, high-skilled jobs required by our new and expanding companies.

Media Release/Shoals Economic Development Authority

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