Officials From McVantage Packaging Release Statement On Death At Their Business

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TUSCUMBIA-Chester McKinney, Jr of McVantage Packaging released a statement concerning the apparent homicide that took place inside the business on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

According to McKinney an incident occurred on the premises of McVantage Packaging. The incident involved two employees and was not work related…on-the-job issue.

Chester McKinney

This incident is being investigated by the appropriate authorities.  Operations of the affected facilities will continue when the proper investigations have been concluded.

Product shipments to our customers will not be affected.

Counseling will be made available to our employees.

Please refer all other questions to the proper law enforcement authorities (Tuscumbia Police).

Thank You………………That concludes my statement. ~ Chester McKinney, Jr/ McVantage Packaging

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