NWSCC Hosts Active Shooter Drill For Colbert County First Responders

by Sheri Wiggins Steve Wiggins
1 comment

MUSCLE SHOALS-On Thursday, November 3 the campus of Northwest Shoals Community College was the scene of an active shooter drill put on by First Responders in Colbert County and Northwest Shoals Community College.

The exercise was held in two “hot” locations the gym on NWSCC and the Bevill Center.  Responders  came into the scene and triaged over 100 students who were acting as victims of a shooting.

EMS and local law enforcement came into the two scenes, cleared the buildings and offered medical care to the injured.  First Responders from Tuscumbia, Muscle Shoals , Sheffield, Colbert County and Helen Keller Hospital were involved in the active shooter drill.

Trent Randolph, director of Public Relations for Northwest Shoals said exercise such as these are extremely important to help keep staff and students safe.

The drill was deemed a success for both NWSCC and Colbert County First Responders.

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1 comment

russ gordon miami florida November 4, 2022 - 4:37 pm

great story and every locale village city and town should be doing this on regular basis; here is Florida we learn too often what lack of training such as this results in—-killing, maiming and even death of occupants of the violated venue so hats off to these fine prepared men and women keeping the public out of harms way bravo


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