Morgan County Arrest Reports 04/06/20 – 04/14/20

by Lynn McMillen
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TD Wash

Case #:
Charge: 1) Bond Revocation/ Paraphernlia (M), 2) Bond Revocation/ Possess/ Receipt Control (F), 3) Bond Revocation/ Prescription Ill Poss Of (M), 4) Bond Revocation/ Crim Mischief 3Rd (M), And 5) Bond Revocation/ Theft Of Property 4Th Degree (M),
Officer: Anderson, F E
Arrest Description
Hansard, Shannon Robbins (W /F/43)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M) And 2) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Criminal Mischief 3Rd) (M),
Arrest Description
Campbell, Cheston Jared (W /M/32)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M), 2) Fta-Dws (M), And 3) Fta-No Proof Of Insurance (M),
Arrest Description
Long, Adrian Deshaun (B /M/26)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M) And 2) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Criminal Mischief 3Rd) (M),
Arrest Description
Hernandez, Daniel Contreras (W /M/25)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Failure To Appear-Expired Tag (M) And 2) Fta-No Proof Of Insurance (M),
Arrest Description
Thomas, Datreon Ravon (B /M/22)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta / Improper Lane Usage (M) And 2) F.T.A.-Drivng While Revoked (M),
Officer: Sharbutt, C L
Arrest Description
Garrison, Shana Danielle (W /F/34)
P&K Western Wear TD Wash

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta- Fail To Signal (M) And 2) Fta- Poss Para / Intent To Use (M),
Arrest Description
Hernandez, Pete Amalio (W /M/32)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta-Dws (M) And 2) Fta-No Proof Of Insurance (M),
Arrest Description
Mcgennis, Steven Scott (W /M/37)

Case #:
Charge: Breaking & Entering Vehicle (F),
Arrest Description
Ingram, Jacob Dwight (W /M/18)

Case #:
Charge: Breaking & Entering Vehicle, F (F),
Arrest Description
Hewitt, Alonzo Romero (B /M/18)

Case #:
Charge: Breaking & Entering Vehicle (F),
Arrest Description
Ingram, Ruby Jane (W /F/35)

Case #:
Charge: Prob Viol- Revoked Bond/Pom 2Nd (F),
Arrest Description
Wiley, Austin David (W /M/26)

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 1St Auto, F (F),
Arrest Description
Seamster, Shana Deanne (W /F/45)

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 4Th (Less Than $500), M (M),
Arrest Description
Murphree, Anthony Wayne (W /M/54)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta-No Drivers License Issued (M) And 2) Fta-Speeding (M),  Arrest on chrg of 1) Fta-no Proof Of Insurance (M), 2) Fta-driving Without First Obtsining License (M), and 3) Fta-altering /mutalatiion Of A Tag (M), at 119 Lee St Ne, Decatur, AL, on 4/7/2020 13:22.
Officer: Manderson, P M
Arrest Description
Ortiz, Luis Angel (W /M/19)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia (M), 2) Public Intoxication (M), And 3) Trespassing 2Nd Degree (M),
Arrest Description
Booth, Shelly Dyan (W /F/36)

Case #:
Charge: Bond Revocation/Criminal Mischief 3Rd (M),
Arrest Description
Long, Adrian Deshaun (B /M/26)

Case #:
Charge: Fta Adult Viol-Parental Responsibilites (M),
Officer: Manderson, P M
Arrest Description
Brock, Stephanie Butler (W /F/32)

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 1St (Exceeds $2500), F (F),
Arrest Description
Oden, Nicholas Edward (W /M/31)

Case #: 2019002286
Charge: Rape 1St Degree (F),
Officer: Radke, C
Arrest Description
Davis, James Stanford (W /M/18)

Case #: 202000011586
Charge: Fta-Top 4Th (M),
Arrest Description
Murphree, Anthony Wayne (W /M/54)

Case #: 2020000438
Charge: Attempting To Elude (Misdemeanor) (M),
Officer: Ferguson, S W
Arrest Description
Fuqua, Jordan Dajai (B /M/19)

Case #: 20200011549
Charge: 1) Fta – Expired License (M), 2) Fta – No Proof Insurance (M), And 3) Failure To Yield (M),
Arrest Description
Dotson, John Thomas (W /M/34)
TD Wash

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta-Driving Without First Obtaining A License (M), 2) Fta-No Proof Of Insurance (M), And 3) Fta- Failure To Register Vehicle (M),
Arrest Description
Brooker, Saundra Christine (W /F/40)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Probation Violation – Manufacture Para/Firearms (F), 2) Probation Violation – Manufacture Para/ (F), And 3) Probation Violation – Manufacture Para/Firearms (F),
Officer: Wynne, J D
Arrest Description
Hudson, Bradley Michael (W /M/30)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Public Intoxication (M), 2) Bond Revocation-Poss Of Presc Drugs (M), 3) Bond Revocation – Failure To Signal (M), 4) Bond Revocation- Dwr (M), And 5) Bond Revocation- Poss Of Pres Drugs (M),
Arrest Description
Roberson, Kendra Lee (W /F/33)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Theft 4Th (M) And 2) Fta- Theft 4Th (M),
Arrest Description
Hill, Dustin Wayne (W /M/36)

Case #:
Charge: Chemical Endangerment Of A Child (F),
Arrest Description
Reedus, Burnetta Reshard (B /F/28)

Case #:
Charge: Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M),
Arrest Description
Davis, Timothy Wayne (W /M/50)

Case #:
Charge: F.T.A-Public Intoxication (M),
Arrest Description
Knowles, Jamie Laboard (B /M/49)

Case #:
Charge: Failure To Appear-Theft 4Th Degree (M),
Arrest Description
Price, Tracey Jean (W /F/44)

Case #:
Charge: Fta- Theft 4Th (M),
Arrest Description
Troupe, Trevin Jacob (B /M/26)

Case #:
Charge: Probation Violation (M),
Arrest Description
Murphree, Anthony Wayne (W /M/54)

Case #:
Charge: Probation Violation-Possess/Receipt Con (F),
Officer: Gentry, J
Arrest Description
Mead, William Adam (W /M/34)

Case #:
Charge: Receive / Buy Stolen Property 1St (F),
Arrest Description
Abbott, Dustin Joshua (W /M/31)

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 4Th (Less Than $500) (M),
Arrest Description
Dietz, George Stephen (W /M/22)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Felon In Possession Firearm (F) And 2) Disorderly Conduct (M),
Officer: Anderson, F E
Arrest Description
Underwood, Justin Todd (W /M/40)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M) And 2) Public Intoxication (M),
Arrest Description
Iseminger, Patrick Ryan (W /M/26)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Possessession Of Meth (F) And 2) Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia (M),
Arrest Description
Brown, James Thomas (W /M/39)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Probation Revocation- Top 1St ( ) And 2) Probation Revocation- Ill Poss Presc Drugs (M),
Officer: Wynne, J D
Arrest Description
Owens, Tracy Joe (W /M/48)

Case #:
Charge: Burglary 3Rd (Residence No Force), F (F),
Officer: Byrd, J K
Arrest Description
Brown, Chad William (W /M/30

Case #:
Charge: Ccp Violation- Sodomy 1St (F),
Officer: Wynne, J D
Arrest Description
Slaten, Franklin Eugene (W /M/57)

Case #:
Charge: Criminal Mischief 2Nd (M),
Arrest Description
Stover, Daniel Neal (B /M/34)

Case #:
Charge: Criminal Trespass 1St (M),
Arrest Description
Mcwhorter, Amanda (W /F/30)

Case #:
Charge: Federal Inmate (F),
Arrest Description
Andres, Pedro Gomes (H /M/34)

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 3Rd ($500 -$1499) (F),
Arrest Description
Mcintyre, Bryan David (W /M/35)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M) And 2) Bond Revocation-Dui (M),
Arrest Description
King, Kendric Jaborun (B /M/30)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta-Pom 2Nd (M), 2) Fta-Podp (M), 3) Fta-Carrying Pistol Without Permit (M), 4) Fta-Ippd (M), And 5) Fta-Dws (M),
Arrest Description
Jackson, Michael Tanarius (B /M/26)

Case #:
Charge: Assault 3Rd (Simple), M (M),
Arrest Description
Strickland, Kenneth Franklin (W /M/44)
TD Wash

Case #:
Charge: Criminal Trespass 3Rd (M),
Arrest Description
Miles, Robert Eugene (W /M/33)

Case #:
Charge: Failure To Appear – Theft Of Property 1St (F),
Officer: Wynne, J D
Arrest Description
Brown, James Thomas (W /M/39)

Case #:
Charge: Harassment (Physical) (M),
Arrest Description
Huffstutler, Donald Nmn (W /M/64

Case #:
Charge: Probation Violation (M),
Arrest Description
Mahaffey, Savannah Brook (W /F/23)

Case #:
Charge: Public Intoxication (M),
Arrest Description
Hampton, William Charles (B /M/61)

Case #:
Charge: Public Intoxication (M),
Arrest Description
Moore, Penny (W /F/55)

Case #:
Charge: Public Intoxication (M),
Arrest Description
Lampkin, Charkesa Marshelle (B /F/35)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Driving Under The Influence (Alcohol) (M), 2) Driving While Suspended (M), 3) Leaving The Secene Of An Accident (M), And 4) No Insurance (M),
Arrest Description
Sledge, Peatra Ni Asia (B /F/21)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Possess Marijuana 2Nd (M) And 2) Driving Under The Influence (Alcohol) (M),
Arrest Description
Hamilton, Lucas Wayne (W /M/37)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia (M) And 2) Possess Marijuana 2Nd (M),
Arrest Description
Goode, Emmitt (B /M/26)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Promoting Prison Contraband 2Nd (F) And 2) Viol Community Corrections (F),
Officer: Sharbutt, C L
Arrest Description
Nickson, Melvin Nmn (B /M/36)

Case #:
Charge: Disorderly Conduct (M),
Arrest Description
Cole, Reshanna Lashae (B /F/36)

Case #:
Charge: Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M),
Arrest Description
White, Casino Montreal (B /M/44)

Case #:
Charge: Driving Under The Influence (Controlled Substance) (M),
Arrest Description
Malone, Joshua Allen (B /M/26)

Case #:
Charge: F.T.A.-Theft Of Property 3Rd (F),
Officer: Ferguson, S W
Arrest Description
Hammonds, Arrogance Torshay (B /F/26)
P&K Western Wear TD Wash

Case #:
Charge: Fta -Driving While Revoked, M (M),
Arrest Description
Defore, Krystal (W /F/38)

Case #:
Charge: Probation Violation ( ),
Officer: Sharbutt, C L
Arrest Description
Thomas, Brittany Diamond (W /F/32)

Case #:
Charge: Public Intoxication (M),
Arrest Description
Mack, Andre Durell (B /M/37)

Case #:
Charge: Public Intoxication (M),
Arrest Description
Atchison, Douglas Earl (W /M/62)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta-Dws (M), 2) Fta-Switched Tag (M), And 3) Fta-Failure To Display Insurance (M),
Officer: Sharbutt, C L
Arrest Description
Orr, Xavier Jamal (B /M/37)

Case #:
Charge: Public Intoxication (M),
Arrest Description
Freeman, Joshua Lee (W /M/33)

Case #: 2020000
Charge: 1) Assault 1St (F) And 2) Robbery 1St (F),
Arrest Description
Smith, Darren Jamahl (B /M/25)

Case #: 202000012210
Charge: 1) Theft Of Property 4Th (Less Than $500) (M), 2) Possess Cont Sub- Synthetic Narcotics (F), 3) Possess Cont Sub- Synthetic Narcotics (F), 4) Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia (M), And 5) Possess Marijuana 2Nd (M),
Arrest Description
Pugh, Tyler Brandon (W /M/21)

Case #: 202000640
Charge: 1) Driving Under The Influence (Alcohol Under 21) (M) And 2) Misc Offense-Posession Of Brass Knuckles (M),
Arrest Description
Myrick, Seth Linsford (W /M/20)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Criminal Trespass 3Rd (M) And 2) Loitering (M),
Arrest Description
Allen, Derrick Ray (W /M/39)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Driving Under Influence (M), 2) Driving While Revoked (M), And 3) No Insurance (M),
Arrest Description
Handy, Brandon Luke (W /M/28)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta- Prohibited Occupancy (M) And 2) Fta- Theft 4Th (M),
Arrest Description
Bendall, William Eugene (W /M/34)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta-Crim Mischief 3Rd (M) And 2) Fta-Dv 3Rd (M),
Arrest Description
Bradley, Percy T`challa (B /M/45)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Harassment-Physical (M), 2) Harassment-Physical (M), 3) Harassment-Physical (M), 4) Harassment-Physical (M), And 5) Resisting Arrest (M),
Arrest Description
Epling, Katherine Sue (W /F/29)

Case #:
Charge: Carrying Pistol Without Permit (M),
Arrest Description
Goode, Clarence Deqwon (B /M/26)

Case #:
Charge: Criminal Trespass 3Rd (M),
Arrest Description
Merritt, Jatavius Donte (B /M/30)

Case #:
Charge: Domestic Violence 3Rd (M),
Arrest Description
Roberts-hayes, Danielle Lasha (W /F/33)

Case #:
Charge: Fta-Pocs (F),
Officer: Ramey, A
Arrest Description
Hydrick, Emily Taylor (W /F/23)

Case #:
Charge: Fta-Theft 4Th (M),
Arrest Description
Herth, Candice Anna (B /F/31)

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 3Rd ($500 -$1499) (F),
Arrest Description
Slaten, Franklin Eugene (W /M/57)

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 4Th (Less Than $500) (M),
Arrest Description
Kellogg, Daniel Ross (W /M/32)

Case #:
Charge: Viol Of Pretrial Release: Possess/Reciept Control (F),
Officer: Haggard, J D
Arrest Description
Burgess, Michael Oneal (B /M/29)
P&K Western Wear TD Wash

Case #:
Charge: 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Menacing) (M) And 2) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M),
Arrest Description
Moore, David Allen (W /M/61)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Fta-Speeding (M) And 2) Fta-Dwr (M),
Arrest Description
Hammonds, Candius Machelle (B /F/44)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Sex Offender Adult-Employment Restrictions (F), 2) Sex Offender Adult-Registration With Local Law Enforcement (F), And 3) Sex Offender Adult-Registration With Local Law Enforcement (F),
Arrest Description
Ross, Alan Devon (B /M/53)

Case #:
Charge: 1) Writ Of Arrest ( ) And 2) Failure To Appear (M),
Officer: Haggard, J D
Arrest Description
Kellogg, Daniel Ross (W /M/32)

Case #:
Charge: Failure To Appear – Rec Stolen Prop 2Nd (F),
Arrest Description
Turney, Fletcher Unknown (B /M/65)

Case #:
Charge: Federal Charges (F),
Arrest Description
Pearson, Rodrigus Lee (B /M/34)

Case #:
Charge: Fugitive From Justice (F),
Arrest Description
Merritt, Marisa (W /F/38)

Case #:
Charge: Probation Revocation – Pom 2Nd (M),
Arrest Description
Green, Willie Jack (W /M/36)

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 1St (Exceeds $2500) (F),
Officer: Brooks, B C
Arrest Description
Dudley, William Lawrence (W /M/23)
TD Wash

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 1St (Exceeds $2500) (F),
Officer: Brooks, B C
Arrest Description
Hammock, Tyler Dean (W /M/23)

Case #:
Charge: Theft Of Property 4Th (M),
Arrest Description
Bound, Nicholas Jackson (W /M/34)

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