Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Bond Revocation/ Paraphernlia (M), 2) Bond Revocation/ Possess/ Receipt Control (F), 3) Bond Revocation/ Prescription Ill Poss Of (M), 4) Bond Revocation/ Crim Mischief 3Rd (M), And 5) Bond Revocation/ Theft Of Property 4Th Degree (M), |
Officer: | Anderson, F E |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M) And 2) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Criminal Mischief 3Rd) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M), 2) Fta-Dws (M), And 3) Fta-No Proof Of Insurance (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M) And 2) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Criminal Mischief 3Rd) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Failure To Appear-Expired Tag (M) And 2) Fta-No Proof Of Insurance (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta / Improper Lane Usage (M) And 2) F.T.A.-Drivng While Revoked (M), |
Officer: | Sharbutt, C L |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta- Fail To Signal (M) And 2) Fta- Poss Para / Intent To Use (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta-Dws (M) And 2) Fta-No Proof Of Insurance (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Breaking & Entering Vehicle (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Breaking & Entering Vehicle, F (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Breaking & Entering Vehicle (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Prob Viol- Revoked Bond/Pom 2Nd (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Theft Of Property 1St Auto, F (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Theft Of Property 4Th (Less Than $500), M (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta-No Drivers License Issued (M) And 2) Fta-Speeding (M), Arrest on chrg of 1) Fta-no Proof Of Insurance (M), 2) Fta-driving Without First Obtsining License (M), and 3) Fta-altering /mutalatiion Of A Tag (M), at 119 Lee St Ne, Decatur, AL, on 4/7/2020 13:22. |
Officer: | Manderson, P M |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia (M), 2) Public Intoxication (M), And 3) Trespassing 2Nd Degree (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Bond Revocation/Criminal Mischief 3Rd (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Fta Adult Viol-Parental Responsibilites (M), |
Officer: | Manderson, P M |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Theft Of Property 1St (Exceeds $2500), F (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | 2019002286 |
Charge: | Rape 1St Degree (F), |
Officer: | Radke, C |
Case #: | 202000011586 |
Charge: | Fta-Top 4Th (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | 2020000438 |
Charge: | Attempting To Elude (Misdemeanor) (M), |
Officer: | Ferguson, S W |
Case #: | 20200011549 |
Charge: | 1) Fta – Expired License (M), 2) Fta – No Proof Insurance (M), And 3) Failure To Yield (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta-Driving Without First Obtaining A License (M), 2) Fta-No Proof Of Insurance (M), And 3) Fta- Failure To Register Vehicle (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Probation Violation – Manufacture Para/Firearms (F), 2) Probation Violation – Manufacture Para/ (F), And 3) Probation Violation – Manufacture Para/Firearms (F), |
Officer: | Wynne, J D |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Public Intoxication (M), 2) Bond Revocation-Poss Of Presc Drugs (M), 3) Bond Revocation – Failure To Signal (M), 4) Bond Revocation- Dwr (M), And 5) Bond Revocation- Poss Of Pres Drugs (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Theft 4Th (M) And 2) Fta- Theft 4Th (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Chemical Endangerment Of A Child (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | F.T.A-Public Intoxication (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Failure To Appear-Theft 4Th Degree (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Fta- Theft 4Th (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Probation Violation (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Probation Violation-Possess/Receipt Con (F), |
Officer: | Gentry, J |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Receive / Buy Stolen Property 1St (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Theft Of Property 4Th (Less Than $500) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Felon In Possession Firearm (F) And 2) Disorderly Conduct (M), |
Officer: | Anderson, F E |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M) And 2) Public Intoxication (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Possessession Of Meth (F) And 2) Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Probation Revocation- Top 1St ( ) And 2) Probation Revocation- Ill Poss Presc Drugs (M), |
Officer: | Wynne, J D |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Burglary 3Rd (Residence No Force), F (F), |
Officer: | Byrd, J K |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Ccp Violation- Sodomy 1St (F), |
Officer: | Wynne, J D |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Criminal Mischief 2Nd (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Criminal Trespass 1St (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Federal Inmate (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Theft Of Property 3Rd ($500 -$1499) (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M) And 2) Bond Revocation-Dui (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta-Pom 2Nd (M), 2) Fta-Podp (M), 3) Fta-Carrying Pistol Without Permit (M), 4) Fta-Ippd (M), And 5) Fta-Dws (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Assault 3Rd (Simple), M (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Criminal Trespass 3Rd (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Failure To Appear – Theft Of Property 1St (F), |
Officer: | Wynne, J D |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Harassment (Physical) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Probation Violation (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Public Intoxication (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Public Intoxication (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Public Intoxication (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Driving Under The Influence (Alcohol) (M), 2) Driving While Suspended (M), 3) Leaving The Secene Of An Accident (M), And 4) No Insurance (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Possess Marijuana 2Nd (M) And 2) Driving Under The Influence (Alcohol) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia (M) And 2) Possess Marijuana 2Nd (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Promoting Prison Contraband 2Nd (F) And 2) Viol Community Corrections (F), |
Officer: | Sharbutt, C L |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Disorderly Conduct (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Driving Under The Influence (Controlled Substance) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | F.T.A.-Theft Of Property 3Rd (F), |
Officer: | Ferguson, S W |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Fta -Driving While Revoked, M (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Probation Violation ( ), |
Officer: | Sharbutt, C L |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Public Intoxication (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Public Intoxication (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta-Dws (M), 2) Fta-Switched Tag (M), And 3) Fta-Failure To Display Insurance (M), |
Officer: | Sharbutt, C L |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Public Intoxication (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | 2020000 |
Charge: | 1) Assault 1St (F) And 2) Robbery 1St (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | 202000012210 |
Charge: | 1) Theft Of Property 4Th (Less Than $500) (M), 2) Possess Cont Sub- Synthetic Narcotics (F), 3) Possess Cont Sub- Synthetic Narcotics (F), 4) Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia (M), And 5) Possess Marijuana 2Nd (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | 202000640 |
Charge: | 1) Driving Under The Influence (Alcohol Under 21) (M) And 2) Misc Offense-Posession Of Brass Knuckles (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Criminal Trespass 3Rd (M) And 2) Loitering (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Driving Under Influence (M), 2) Driving While Revoked (M), And 3) No Insurance (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta- Prohibited Occupancy (M) And 2) Fta- Theft 4Th (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta-Crim Mischief 3Rd (M) And 2) Fta-Dv 3Rd (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Harassment-Physical (M), 2) Harassment-Physical (M), 3) Harassment-Physical (M), 4) Harassment-Physical (M), And 5) Resisting Arrest (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Carrying Pistol Without Permit (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Criminal Trespass 3Rd (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Domestic Violence 3Rd (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Fta-Pocs (F), |
Officer: | Ramey, A |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Fta-Theft 4Th (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Theft Of Property 3Rd ($500 -$1499) (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Theft Of Property 4Th (Less Than $500) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Viol Of Pretrial Release: Possess/Reciept Control (F), |
Officer: | Haggard, J D |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Menacing) (M) And 2) Domestic Violence 3Rd (Harrassment) (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Fta-Speeding (M) And 2) Fta-Dwr (M), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Sex Offender Adult-Employment Restrictions (F), 2) Sex Offender Adult-Registration With Local Law Enforcement (F), And 3) Sex Offender Adult-Registration With Local Law Enforcement (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | 1) Writ Of Arrest ( ) And 2) Failure To Appear (M), |
Officer: | Haggard, J D |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Failure To Appear – Rec Stolen Prop 2Nd (F), |
Officer: |
Case #: | |
Charge: | Federal Charges (F), |
Officer: |