The Colbert County District Court handles the misdemeanor crimes committed in the county. Misdemeanors are crimes that are punishable by one year or less of imprisonment. While the maximum punishment in misdemeanors is less than that of felony crimes, MISDEMEANORS MATTER. As a United States Probation Officer, my primary job was to investigate criminal defendants after they were convicted of federal crimes such as human trafficking, drug trafficking, identity theft, and distribution of child pornography. As part of every investigation, I completed an intensive criminal history search and report on each defendant. My investigations revealed that the vast majority of the defendants were previously convicted of misdemeanor crimes. The misdemeanor crimes handled by the District Court must be taken seriously, as they can lead to more dangerous crimes. The District Judge must consider all of the relevant factors in imposing intelligent sentences and dispositions of misdemeanor charges to discourage future criminal conduct and to protect this community. As your District Judge, I will take misdemeanors seriously. Vote Mary in the Colbert County Republican priMary on May 24!
Media Release/MARY BASCHAB-HASLACKER for District Judge