Michael Hyzer Sanders

by Lynn McMillen
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With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of our precious baby boy, Michael Hyzer Sanders, who was born sleeping on June 5, 2024. Though his time with us was brief, his life is a testament to the pure love and joy he brought into our world, and we find solace in the promise of eternal life in Heaven.

Hyzer was the beloved son of Brittany Juneen Johnson and Michael Logan Sanders. In our grief, we are comforted by the words of Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart.” Hyzer’s life was known and cherished by God, and he now rests safely in His loving embrace.

He is survived by his devoted older sister, Paisley Elizabeth Johnson, who eagerly awaited the joy of having a little brother. His memory will forever be cherished by his grandparents, Jeff and Nicole Johnson, and Michael and Kim Sanders, who were ready to shower him with love and care. His aunts and uncles, Breanna Waller, Blake Johnson, Tanner (Joe) Wiser, and Brooke Johnson, along with his cousins, Clay Waller, Henry Wiser, Dean Waller, and Evy Wiser, all looked forward to the light he would bring into their lives.

Hyzer is proceeded in death by his great grandparents Barbara Quick, Uly and Margaret Johnson, JW Sanders, and Reba Dean Nichols, who now welcome him into Heaven with open arms

In our sorrow, we turn to Matthew 19:14: “But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.'” Hyzer’s spirit is now with the Lord, basking in the glory and peace of God’s eternal kingdom, free from pain and sorrow.

The loss of Michael Hyzer Sanders reminds us of the tender words of Revelation 21:4: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” In Heaven, Hyzer knows only joy and love, and this assurance gives us hope as we await the day we will be reunited.

Though he was with us for only a fleeting moment, Hyzer’s life touched our hearts deeply. He was a symbol of pure innocence and divine love. As we grieve his loss, we also celebrate his presence with the Lord, knowing that he is surrounded by angels and embraced by God’s infinite love.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made in Hyzer’s name to Well’s Clayton Whitworth Memorial Foundation, reflecting the light of his brief yet impactful life and our hope in the promise of eternal reunion.

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