Mayor Marks has proclaimed Friday, August 30, as Rep the A Day in Athens

by Holly Hollman
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ATHENS-Mayor Marks has proclaimed Friday, August 30, as Rep the A Day in Athens to celebrate the much-loved tradition of Athens High hosting its Pep Rally on The Square to kick off the first home football game.

Mayor Marks signed the  proclamation as members of the Athens High Band and cheerleaders watched:

Whereas, Athens High School traditionally celebrates its first home game with a Pep Rally on
The Square; and

Whereas, the Pep Rally on The Square showcases the Classic. Southern. Character. of Athens
by bringing players, coaches, cheerleaders, band members, and fans together in our historic
Downtown Athens to celebrate the school spirit of our Golden Eagles; and

Whereas, the cheerleaders are encouraging parents, community members, business owners –
the whole City of Athens – to embrace the gameday theme “Rep the A Day” by wearing and
displaying Athens High gear and the school colors of black and gold; and

Whereas, this camaraderie pays tribute to a long-held tradition and shows support for
students, staff, and our community;

Now therefore, I, William R. “Ronnie” Marks, Mayor of the City of Athens, Ala., do hereby
proclaim Aug. 30, 2024, as Rep the A Day in Athens and encourage all citizens to proudly
display their Athens Golden Eagles’ pride.

William R. Marks, Mayor, City of Athens, Ala.

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