MADISON COUNTY-The Madison County Sheriff, Blake Dorning announced today that the Madison County Sheriff’s Office will take part in the Annual Fallen Law Enforcement Officers Memorial:
“Sheriff Blake Dorning announces today that the Madison County Sheriff’s Office will participate in the Annual Fallen Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial. The memorial will take place on Wednesday May 11th at 6:30 p.m. on the South Side of the Court House in front of the Fallen Officer’s Memorial.
The memorial is sponsored by the T.L. Blakemore Lodge #6 of the Fraternal Order of Police with Lieutenant Donny Shaw serving as the Memorial Chairman. Local leaders will open the ceremony with reflections of those being honored. Honor Guards for the Sheriff’s Office, Huntsville and Madison Police Departments will conduct the service to honor the 22 Law Enforcement Officers who have died in the line-of-duty in Madison County since 1880. Family Members of the fallen and representatives from all of Madison County’s Law Enforcement Agencies will pin flowers of remembrance in front of the memorial during the ceremony. There will be a 21 gun salute, taps and candle light vigil to close the ceremony that last for just over one hour. The public is invited and encourage to attend, and to learn the story of each of the twenty-two that have died in the line-of-duty.
The National memorial will be in Washington D.C. on May 15th with five deputies attending to honor the 128 who died in 2015 nationwide.
Inquires may be directed to Lieutenant Donny Shaw at (256) 990-2671.”