Birth Date: 07/17/79
Booking Number: A1700479
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
17:00:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
17:00:00 01/31/17 FORGERY –
13A-9-3.1 DIST 3F
17:00:00 01/31/17 FORGERY –
13A-9-3.1 DIST 3F
17:00:00 01/31/17 FORGERY – FORGED
13A-9-6.1 DIST 3F
17:00:00 01/31/17 FORGERY – FORGED
13A-9-6.1 DIST 3F
17:00:00 01/31/17 THEFT 4TH –
13A-8-5 2320 DIST 4M
17:00:00 01/31/17 THEFT 4TH –
13A-8-5 2320 DIST 4M
Birth Date: 06/17/81
Booking Number: A1700401
Agency: ROG
Birth Date: 06/17/81
Booking Number: A1700401
Agency: ROG
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
03:00:00 01/27/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 MUN BM
Birth Date: 04/17/73
Booking Number: A1700028
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
12:35:26 01/30/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Inmate Name: ALLEN, TAMRA L
Birth Date: 06/28/84
Booking Number: A1700393
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:50:00 01/31/17 HOLD FOR OTHER
Birth Date: 09/06/89
Booking Number: A1700597
Agency: KIL
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
13:40:00 02/07/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 MUN AM
13:40:00 02/07/17 THEFT 4TH –
13A-8-5 2320 MUN 4M
Birth Date: 03/08/69
Booking Number: A1700409
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
16:56:56 01/27/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 06/15/71
Booking Number: A1700451
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
12:00:15 01/30/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Inmate Name: BARNES, KEVIN L
Birth Date: 07/15/71
Booking Number: A1700626
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
15:00:00 02/08/17 D/V INTERFER
13A-6-137 1324 DIST BM
15:00:00 02/08/17 Menacing/Domestic Violence 13A-6-23 1390 DIST BM
15:00:00 02/08/17 Assault 3rd-Domestic Violence 13A-6-22 1324 DIST AM
Birth Date: 04/06/89
Booking Number: A1700631
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
02:30:00 02/09/17 Domestic Violence 3rd 13A-6-132 FPD DIST AM
Birth Date: 07/02/64
Booking Number: A1700498
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
16:08:21 02/01/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 07/08/78
Booking Number: A1700521
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:24:06 02/03/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
14:24:19 02/03/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 02/09/96
Booking Number: A1700586
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
18:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
18:30:00 02/07/17 FLEEING OR ATTEMPTING
13A-10-52(B) DIST AM
18:30:00 02/07/17 Reckless Endangerment 13A-6-24 1314 DIST AM
18:30:00 02/07/17 Reckless Endangerment 13A-6-24 1314 DIST AM
18:30:00 02/07/17 Unaggravated Speeding <25
32-5A-171 DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Unaggravated Speeding <25
32-5A-171 DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Stop Sign 32-5A-112(B) DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Stop Sign 32-5A-112(B) DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Stop Sign 32-5A-112(B) DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Stop Sign 32-5A-112(B) DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Stop Sign 32-5A-112(B) DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Stop Sign 32-5A-112(B) DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Stop Sign 32-5A-112(B) DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Stop Sign 32-5A-112(B) DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Stop Sign 32-5A-112(B) DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Running Red Light 32-5A-32 DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Improper Lane Usage 32-5A-88a DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Improper Lane Usage 32-5A-88a DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Improper Lane Usage 32-5A-88a DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Passing on the Left 32-5A-82 DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Passing on the Left 32-5A-82 DIST VI
18:30:00 02/07/17 Passing on the Left 32-5A-82 DIST VI
Birth Date: 09/13/79
Booking Number: A1700489
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
02:15:00 02/01/17 BURGLARY 3RD 13A-7-7 FPD DIST CF
02:15:00 02/01/17 BURGLARY 3RD 13A-7-7 FPD DIST CF
02:15:00 02/01/17 THEFT 3RD 13A-8-4.1 FPD DIST 3F
02:15:00 02/01/17 THEFT 3RD 13A-8-4.1 FPD DIST 3F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
20:20:00 02/01/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 06/27/95
Booking Number: A1700016
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:50:00 01/31/17 HOLD FOR JUDGE 0005 LCDC DIST VI
Inmate Name: BROWN, RACHEL L
Birth Date: 05/30/92
Booking Number: A1700585
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
19:10:00 02/06/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 06/07/91
Booking Number: A1700492
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
15:37:35 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 02/05/84
Booking Number: A1700570
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
04:14:00 02/06/17 Domestic Violence 3rd 13A-6-132 FPD DIST AM
04:14:00 02/06/17 D/V 3RD HARASSING
Inmate Name: BURNS, RANDY D
Birth Date: 08/28/66
Booking Number: A1700514
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
18:30:00 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
18:30:00 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 06/24/98
Booking Number: A1700414
Agency: ROG
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
21:52:00 01/27/17 Minor in Possesion of Alcohol 28-1-5 MUN CM
Birth Date: 08/31/95
Booking Number: A1700526
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
20:00:00 02/03/17 Theft 3rd 13A-8-5 DIST AM
Birth Date: 01/20/66
Booking Number: A1700481
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
19:15:00 01/31/17 SENTENCED IN COURT 0002 LCDC CIR VI
Birth Date: 05/10/80
Booking Number: A1700543
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:11:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
23:11:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
23:11:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
23:11:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
23:11:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
23:11:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
23:11:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 02/04/96
Booking Number: A1700515
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
20:20:00 02/02/17 HOLD FOR JUDGE 0005 LCDC CIR VI
Birth Date: 02/04/84
Booking Number: A1700513
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
18:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
18:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
18:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 08/17/83
Booking Number: A1700595
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
11:45:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 03/03/84
Booking Number: A1700567
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
01:30:00 02/06/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
01:30:00 02/06/17 TAMPERING WITH
13A-10-129 DIST AM
Birth Date: 05/18/77
Booking Number: A1700213
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
16:49:24 01/27/17 Fugitive From Justice z Fugitive CIR CF
Birth Date: 06/30/88
Booking Number: A1700599
Agency: KIL
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
13:40:00 02/07/17 THEFT 4TH –
13A-8-5 2320 MUN 4M
13:40:00 02/07/17 Giving False Name to Law
13A-9-18.1 4804 MUN AM
Inmate Name: FOSTER, JASON D
Birth Date: 01/17/76
Booking Number: A1700525
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
19:32:00 02/03/17 HOLD FOR JUDGE 0005 LCDC MUN VI
Birth Date: 05/24/91
Booking Number: A1700471
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
13:00:06 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
19:20:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
19:20:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
19:20:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Inmate Name: GREEN, GARY F
Birth Date: 08/05/69
Booking Number: A1700423
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
13:15:00 01/28/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Inmate Name: HAND, BRANDON D
Birth Date: 11/28/95
Booking Number: A1700415
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:52:00 01/27/17 DO NOT USE 13A-10-50 DIST AM
23:52:00 01/27/17 DO NOT USE 13A-10-50 DIST AM
Birth Date: 02/22/96
Booking Number: A1700609
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
22:00:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
22:00:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 01/23/84
Booking Number: A1700354
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
17:14:54 02/07/17 Fugitive From Justice 1J z Fugitive CIR VI
Birth Date: 11/01/64
Booking Number: A1700472
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
16:31:05 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
16:31:05 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Inmate Name: HEARD, DAKOTA A
Birth Date: 03/16/93
Booking Number: A1700629
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
00:21:00 02/09/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
00:21:00 02/09/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 DIST AM
Birth Date: 09/16/81
Booking Number: A1700611
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:30:00 02/07/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
23:30:00 02/07/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
23:30:00 02/07/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 DIST AM
23:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Inmate Name: HICKS, KAYLA D
Birth Date: 03/06/96
Booking Number: A1700565
Agency: KIL
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
22:40:00 02/05/17 DUI-Liquor 32-5A-191(A)2 MUN AM
22:40:00 02/05/17 Minor in Possession of Alcohol 28-1-5 MUN CM
Birth Date: 10/02/84
Booking Number: A1700640
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
09:00:00 02/09/17 DISORDERLY CONDUCT 13A-11-7 5311 DIST CM
Inmate Name: Jones, Colby W
Birth Date: 01/05/94
Booking Number: A1700448
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
06:11:52 01/30/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 DIST AM
06:11:01 01/30/17 Unlaw Dist. Cont. Substance 13A-12-211 3599 DIST 2F
Inmate Name: JONES, KEITH L
Birth Date: 12/26/58
Booking Number: A1700590
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
02:45:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
18:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 02/22/79
Booking Number: A1700444
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
09:00:16 01/30/17 Menacing/Domestic Violence 13A-6-23 1390 DIST BM
Birth Date: 10/09/82
Booking Number: A1700478
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
17:15:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 06/07/93
Booking Number: A1700584
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
12:00:50 02/07/17 Probation Violation 15-22-54 5012 CIR VI
18:45:00 02/06/17 EXTORTION 1ST 13A-8-14 FPD DIST BF
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
12:00:50 02/07/17 Probation Violation 15-22-54 5012 CIR VI
Birth Date: 12/06/89
Booking Number: A1700564
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:15:00 02/05/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 08/02/93
Booking Number: A1700541
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
21:55:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Inmate Name: KOH, AMIEE L
Birth Date: 03/15/79
Booking Number: A1700628
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
16:55:00 02/08/17 Assault 3rd-Domestic Violence 13A-6-22 1324 DIST AM
Inmate Name: LAWSON, TERRA L
Birth Date: 02/13/72
Booking Number: A1700486
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:40:00 01/31/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
Inmate Name: LEPERE, SETH A
Birth Date: 05/04/92
Booking Number: A1700367
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
16:23:44 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 01/16/88
Booking Number: A1700559
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
18:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
18:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
18:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 03/10/83
Booking Number: A1700484
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:40:00 01/31/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
23:40:00 01/31/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 DIST AM
Inmate Name: MARTIN, LEE A JR
Birth Date: 09/09/77
Booking Number: A1700503
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
22:30:00 02/01/72 Attempted Murder 13A-4-2 Murder DIST AF
Inmate Name: MASON, STEVEN J
Birth Date: 12/03/71
Booking Number: A1700630
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
02:15:00 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
02:15:00 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 09/26/84
Booking Number: A1700417
Agency: ST
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
03:00:25 01/28/17 DUI-Liquor 32-5A-191(A)2 AM
Birth Date: 07/20/85
Booking Number: A1700468
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
10:45:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
10:45:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
10:45:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
10:45:00 01/31/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 03/13/85
Booking Number: A1700499
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
18:30:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 03/13/80
Booking Number: A1700560
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
20:15:00 02/05/17 D/V 3RD HARASSING
Inmate Name: MEANS, JASON W
Birth Date: 11/13/79
Booking Number: A1700633
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
04:01:00 02/09/17 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 3RD 13A-6-132 FPD DIST AM
04:01:00 02/09/17 Domestic Violence 3rd 13A-6-132 FPD DIST AM
04:01:00 02/09/17 Domestic Violence 3rd 13A-6-132 FPD DIST AM
Birth Date: 08/28/79
Booking Number: A1700607
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
12:50:00 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
12:50:00 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 06/26/84
Booking Number: A1700648
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
16:00:00 02/09/17 HOLD FOR JUDGE 0005 LCDC DIST VI
Birth Date: 10/07/84
Booking Number: A1700500
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
18:30:00 02/01/17 RECEIVING OF STOLEN
PROP 3RD >500 <1499
13A-8-18.1 2801 DIST 4F
18:30:00 02/01/17 Theft 1st 13A-8-3 FPD DIST 2F
13:13:01 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
13:13:01 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 02/03/67
Booking Number: A1700520
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
13:53:18 02/03/17 THEFT 4TH 1J 13A-8-5 FPD DIST 4M
13:52:29 02/03/17 BURGLARY 3RD 1J 13A-7-7 FPD DIST CF
13:54:01 02/03/17 Criminal Misch 3rd-Generic 1J 13A-7-23 2999 DIST BM
Birth Date: 05/24/63
Booking Number: A1700469
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
15:56:14 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 BM
Birth Date: 10/07/67
Booking Number: A1700642
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
10:55:00 02/09/17 Abuse & Neglect of Elderly 38-9-7(d) DIST 3F
Inmate Name: NASH, DARYL D
Birth Date: 06/28/87
Booking Number: A1603608
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
16:33:55 02/08/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
16:33:13 02/08/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 01/03/71
Booking Number: A1700502
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
15:48:45 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Inmate Name: PAGE, AMBER D
Birth Date: 05/20/86
Booking Number: A1700476
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:06:22 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 BM
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
16:26:40 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 08/21/87
Booking Number: A1700535
Agency: ROG
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
02:28:00 02/04/17 DUI-Liquor 32-5A-191(A)2 MUN AM
Inmate Name: PITTS, BILLY J
Birth Date: 08/18/65
Booking Number: A1700522
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 02/03/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 10/02/89
Booking Number: A1700446
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
11:30:41 01/30/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 DIST AM
11:30:47 01/30/17 UNLAWFUL POSS OF
(NEW) 3599
Inmate Name: PURSER, MARK A
Birth Date: 10/31/88
Booking Number: A1700425
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192
Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
14:30:00 01/28/17 Poss. of Obscene Matter.. 13A-12-192 DIST 2F
Inmate Name: QUINN, BRYAN R
Birth Date: 05/31/68
Booking Number: A1700474
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:15:00 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Inmate Name: REEVES, GARY D
Birth Date: 04/20/73
Booking Number: A1602972
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
15:13:30 02/02/17 HOLD FOR JUDGE 1J 0005 LCDC CIR VI
21:00:00 07/19/16 Failure to Wear Safety Belt 32-5B-4 CIR VI
21:00:00 07/19/16 Open Container Violation 32-5A-330 CIR VI
Birth Date: 12/28/88
Booking Number: A1700557
Agency: KIL
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
21:36:00 02/05/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
21:36:00 02/05/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 DIST AM
Inmate Name: RICH, JAMES N JR
Birth Date: 06/13/80
Booking Number: A1700465
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:20:40 02/02/17 HOLD FOR JUDGE 0005 LCDC DIST VI
Birth Date: 09/03/76
Booking Number: A1700488
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:49:00 01/31/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
23:49:00 01/31/17 POSSESSION OF
13A-12-214 FPD DIST AM
23:49:00 01/31/17 VIOLENT FELON IN
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
20:20:00 02/01/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Inmate Name: RYAN, SHAUN M
Birth Date: 11/12/93
Booking Number: A1700624
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
20:23:00 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Inmate Name: SHARP, MORGAN A
Birth Date: 12/04/96
Booking Number: A1700461
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
01:05:00 01/31/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
Birth Date: 09/22/94
Booking Number: A1700485
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
23:40:00 01/31/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 DIST AM
Birth Date: 11/24/75
Booking Number: A1700528
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
01:00:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
01:00:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
01:00:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 08/08/95
Booking Number: A1700456
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
18:20:00 01/30/17 SENTENCED IN COURT 0002 LCDC DIST VI
Birth Date: 12/07/81
Booking Number: A1700447
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
08:00:00 01/30/17 POSSESSION OF
13A-12-214 FPD DIST AM
08:00:00 01/30/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 DIST AM
Birth Date: 08/12/82
Booking Number: A1700445
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
09:20:00 01/30/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 06/15/95
Booking Number: A1700482
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
20:00:00 01/31/17 THEFT 3RD 13A-8-4.1 FPD DIST 3F
Birth Date: 11/13/91
Booking Number: A1700651
Agency: STF
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
19:00:00 02/09/17 UNAUTHORIZED
13A-8-11 2415 MUN AM
Birth Date: 03/03/86
Booking Number: A1700360
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
11:12:36 01/27/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
11:11:13 01/27/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 01/13/87
Booking Number: A1700538
Agency: LCDC
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
08:00:00 02/04/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 03/13/92
Booking Number: A1700495
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
14:03:29 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 12/18/87
Booking Number: A1700440
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
19:20:00 01/29/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Inmate Name: TIDWELL, TED T JR
Birth Date: 10/10/91
Booking Number: A1700600
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
17:15:00 02/07/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 10/13/96
Booking Number: A1700434
Agency: KIL
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
04:45:00 01/29/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
Birth Date: 08/03/69
Booking Number: A1700639
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
15:17:03 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
06:15:00 02/09/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
06:15:00 02/09/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
06:15:00 02/09/17 Drug Paraphernalia,Use/Poss 13a-12-260 DIST AM
06:15:00 02/09/17 DRUNK/ADDICT IN
13A-11-72(B) DIST CM
06:15:00 02/09/17 POSSESSION OF
13A-12-214 FPD DIST AM
06:15:00 02/09/17 BUY/RECEIVE STOLEN
13A-8-17 2803 DIST BF
Inmate Name: WADE, CANDICE C
Birth Date: 06/16/78
Booking Number: A1700449
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
09:33:17 01/30/17 UNLAWFUL POSS OF
(NEW) 3599
Birth Date: 07/15/84
Booking Number: A1700491
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
10:00:18 02/01/17 SENTENCED IN COURT 1J 0002 LCDC CIR VI
Birth Date: 11/04/72
Booking Number: A1700566
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
00:35:00 02/06/17 NWNI/Insufficient Funds
13A-9-13.1 2606 DIST AM
Inmate Name: WHITE, TINA M
Birth Date: 04/29/71
Booking Number: A1700450
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
07:54:00 01/30/17 Unlaw Poss. Dangerous Drugs 13A-12-212 3599 DIST 3F
Birth Date: 12/31/93
Booking Number: A1700506
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
00:10:00 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
00:10:00 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Birth Date: 12/06/97
Booking Number: A1700429
Agency: UNA
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
21:02:00 01/28/17 POSSESSION OF
13A-12-214 FPD DIST AM
Birth Date: 05/06/92
Booking Number: A1700410
Agency: JUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
17:00:00 01/27/17 Theft 2nd-Miscellaneous 13A-8-4 2320 DIST 3F
17:00:00 01/27/17 Theft 1st-Miscellaneous 13A-8-3 2320 DIST 2F
17:00:00 01/27/17 Criminal Misch 3rd-Business 13A-7-23 2901 DIST BM
17:00:00 01/27/17 Theft 1st-Miscellaneous 13A-8-3 2320 DIST 2F
17:00:00 01/27/17 Burglary 3rd-Force-Non-Res 13A-7-7 2203 DIST CF
Inmate Name: WRIGHT, APRIL L
Birth Date: 08/23/77
Booking Number: A1605400
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
15:46:41 02/02/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 1J 15-11-5 5015 CIR BM
Inmate Name: YANCEY, ANNA L
Birth Date: 08/16/75
Booking Number: A1700558
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
19:45:00 02/05/17 HOLD FOR OTHER
Birth Date: 01/26/72
Booking Number: A1700653
Agency: LAUD
Time/Date Offense Area Statute Court Crime Class
22:40:00 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM
22:40:00 02/09/17 Alias Arrest/Bench Warrant 15-11-5 5015 DIST BM