MONTGOMERY–The Alabama Medicaid Agency is seeking your help to design the planned Integrated Care Networks!
Medicaid recipients, sponsors, caregivers and advocates for the elderly and disabled are invited to fill out an online survey. The survey will take just a few minutes and will give Medicaid important information to use as we plan for this exciting new opportunity!
The Agency is sponsoring the survey to gather information needed to design an Integrated Care Network system for people are older or who have disabilities. State legislation passed in 2015 established a competitively bid, integrated network to provide long-term care services to Medicaid recipients. Patterned after Regional Care Organization legislation, the new law creates a provider-organized, at-risk system that is to begin no later than October 1, 2018.
Feel free to forward the survey link to others. The survey will be available until September 9, 2016.
Start the survey by clicking here: Start Survey
Media Release/State of Alabama