Governor Bentley Announces Appointments for the Alabama Advisory Council on Gaming

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gamingMONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley on Friday announced the appointments for the Alabama Advisory Council on Gaming. This council was created as a result of Executive Order Number 24. The Council will assess the current state and local laws on gambling, as well as the taxes generated therefrom, and will evaluate the best practices in other states, including the tax revenue structures and the enabling and implementing regulations and laws, as well as compare Alabama state laws to applicable federal gaming laws.

“I am looking forward to the recommendations presented by this 11 person Advisory Council,” Governor Bentley said. “In recent years, a considerable amount of time and resources have been spent debating gaming in Alabama; however I am hopeful this group will present some new ideas or solutions that can help resolve this ongoing dispute and provide a clear direction going forward.”

The Governor has selected Finance Director Clinton Carter as chairman of the Council. The appointments are as follows:

Governor’s appointments:

  • Jim Byard, Jr., Director of Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
  • Clinton Carter, Director of Finance Department
  • Curtis Stewart, Deputy Commissioner of Alabama Department of Revenue
  • Carrie McCollum, General Counsel for Alabama Credit Union Administration
  • Connie Rowe, State Representative

Pro Tem’s appointments:

  • Bobby Singleton, State Senator
  • Greg Albritton, State Senator

Speaker’s appointments:

  • Jim Carns, State Representative
  • Craig Ford, State Representative

District Attorneys Association:

  • Barry Matson, Deputy Director

Sheriffs Association:

  • Bobby Timmons, Executive Director

All appointments are effective immediately.  The Council will present findings and recommendations on gaming to the Governor, the President Pro Tem of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House by January 31, 2017.

Media Release/The Office of Alabama Governor
Robert Bentley

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