Florence Police Get Scruffy… It’s OK. It’s for a good cause…

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brown_beardFLORENCE – Well… This notice from the Florence Police Department isn’t actually a BOLO. But you’ll want to BE ON THE LOOKOUT for their Officers and their facial hair.

Here’s what the FPD has to say:

“Over the next 2 months you may notice some…… changes….. at your police department. Namely in the grooming habits of our officers. Yes, it’s true, we are boycotting the razor and facial hair will become a staple of our uniform. No, it’s not forever but will be for a good cause. Officers at our department are participating in our annual “Beards for Bucks” campaign to raise money for local charity. In return for officers donating $1 per day, they will be allowed to grow beards until the end of February. All money earned will be donated to local charity. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from your Florence PD!”

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