Florence City Schools will reopen W.C. Handy Early Childhood Development Center

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FLORENCE-Florence City Schools is pleased to announce that we will reopen the W. C. Handy School to house the premier W.C. Handy Early Childhood Development Center. Renovations to the building and property are currently taking place as we prepare for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. Registration remains open for children ages 3-5 at the new Early Childhood Development Center located at the W. C. Handy School. Children ages 3-5 are eligible for our classes. We will have 12 First Class PreK classes, two 3-year-old classes one five-year-old Transitional Kindergarten. We will continue to provide early intervention for preschool children as well. Our new school will have a full-time principal, secretary, nurse, and resource officer.
Please note the following specific information related to registration and eligibility:
• Students who will be three years old by September 1 and are ‘potty-trained’ (i.e. able to use restroom without-assistance) are eligible for this class. The cost for this age group is $429 per month. This charge includes early drop-off and after school along with breakfast and lunch. A paper registration is required for this age group.
• Students who will be four years old by September 1 are eligible for our NO COST First Class PreK. The only cost associated with this age would be for early drop off or after school services should families need this service. To register for the First Class PreK (age 4), parents should visit www.florencek12.org and follow the directions under the registration tab. Breakfast and lunch are included at no cost for this program.
• Students who will be five years old by September 1 are eligible for our Transitional Kindergarten Class if parents wish for their child to wait until the 2020-2021 to enroll in our traditional kindergarten classes at Forest Hills, Harlan or Weeden Elementary. The cost for this program is $500 per month. This price includes early drop-off and afterschool services should families need this along with breakfast and lunch. A paper registration is required for this age group.

Florence City Schools Office of Superintendent Dr. Jimmy Shaw, Jr.

Paper registration applications* can be picked up at Florence City Schools Board of Education—102 South Court Street, 6th Floor; Florence, AL 35630—or at any of our school sites. If you wish to have an application emailed to you, please email your information to Dr. Michael South—msouth@florencek12.org—or Ms. Callie Thomas—cathomas@florencek12.org. Completed applications & registration fees (ages 3 & 5 only) should be turned in at the Florence City Schools Board of Education. Also, W. C. Handy School has applied to participate in the Child Care Management Agencies (CMAs) for those in need of this service.
For further questions or requests for more details regarding the W.C. Handy Early Child Development Center, please be sure to send your requests to Dr. Michael South via msouth@florencek12.org or call 256-275- 2572.

Media Release/Nira Dale/Florence City Schools

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