FLORENCE-As a trail-blazer in Alabama public education, Florence City Schools (FCS) is excited to announce the creation of the Florence Virtual School program for kindergarten through sixth grade. This announcement comes on the heels of a successful Spring semester with distance learning amid the COVID-19 closure of public-school buildings.
Florence City Schools became a pioneer for the state of Alabama with the roll-out of Florence Virtual School for grades seven through twelve in August of 2013. Since that time, FCS has a proven track record for providing its students with non-traditional learning opportunities in a technology environment.
Building on its successes, Superintendent Dr. Jimmy Shaw has cast the vision to offer parents a kindergarten through sixth grade virtual experience. Much like the existing program, the K-6 Virtual School will utilize Florence teaching staff and our one-to-one device initiative. This approach affords virtual school students the opportunity to engage in their own learning experience, while also maintaining the support of local instructors and school system.
“Florence City Schools conducted a parent survey this past Spring during the height of distance learning,” explained Superintendent Dr. Jimmy Shaw. “Within the parent feedback, FCS saw an interest in expansion of Virtual School into elementary and intermediate grades. Florence City Schools is embracing this opportunity to meet the needs of our students, parents and community.”
The Florence City Schools K-6 and 7-12 Virtual School programs are tuition-free. Participation is strictly voluntary and subject to program guidelines implemented by Florence City Schools.
For more information on the FCS K-6 Virtual School program, and to fill-out an interest survey visit our website at www.florencek12.org/virtual
Media Release/Carter Watkins/Communications Coordinator/Florence City Schools
Photos: Florence City Schools