FRANKLIN COUNTY-In the evening hours of March 18,2025, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office made multiple arrests involving drug activity in the East Franklin Community of Phil Campbell, Franklin County, Alabama. A Search Warrant was served at the address of 1694 Highway 89 Phil Campbell, AL located near East Franklin Jr. High School.
Residents around East Franklin Community have made multiple complaints voicing their concerns about illegal narcotic activity over the span of years concerning the matter.
When the Search Warrant was obtained Franklin County Sheriff’s Office personnel went to the listed address where the 5 of the listed people were located. An additional person was arrested afterward at another location in connection to the same event. At the conclusion of the Search Warrant being served a total of 6 people were arrested and charged.
Illegal drugs collected from the location was Methamphetamine, illegally possessed prescription medication, marijuana, various types of drug paraphernalia to include aluminum foil, pipes, syringes and small baggies. Also collected was a handgun.

Fransisco Valenzo Molina -25 years old
Unlawful Possession of Controlled substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Certain Persons Forbidden to Possess a Pistol, Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, Loitering
Unlawful Possession of Controlled substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Certain Persons Forbidden to Possess a Pistol, Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, Loitering

Rodney William Yocum – 63 years old
Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Illegal Possession of Prescription Medication
Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Illegal Possession of Prescription Medication

Brian Stull – 40 years old
Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

Tia Shonta Beck – 32 years old
Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

Christy Trapp Sanders – 51 years old
Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Illegal Possession of Prescription Medication
Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Illegal Possession of Prescription Medication

Jordan Marie Cooper – 36 years old
Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Thank you to all the citizens who have kept a close watch on the area and have relayed the information to the Sheriff’s Office; in doing so, the right information came that was able to be used in the application of a Search Warrant for the location listed. It is a serious concern that such activity takes place near unto a county school and that concern is shared by the East Franklin Community. There are other residences that are of investigative interest within a few miles’ proximity of where this Search Warrant was served. Anyone engaging in such illegal activity should take this as a warning that neither the Community of East Franklin nor the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office will stand idly by and tolerate drug usage especially around the children of this County.
All people herein are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and no release of information is intended to change that fact.
Media Release/Franklin County Sheriff’s Office