Ellard Greene

by Lynn McMillen
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Ellard Greene, 94, Sheffield, was born on November 26, 1926 and passed away on March 14, 2021. He is survived by his daughter, Deborah A. Howard, and his son, James A. Greene.

Dad began a wonderful journey on Sunday, leaving early, about 4 a.m. He wanted to beat the traffic. He went looking for his beautiful bride.

It’s actually his second journey, the first beginning in 1926, a barefoot lanky lad scouring the hills and hollows of Walker County, Alabama. His existence was Spartan by today’s standards, downright poverty, but Dad wanted more. At the ripe old age of 18 he stood on the deck of the USS Atlanta at Okinawa, a slender black-haired youth who still yearned for his Mama’s embrace facing the might of the Japanese Navy.

He married the love of his life, which immediately became his universe as soon as he was released from the Navy. She was on his lips the morning he died. His family was first in his life his friends second, but all took a back seat to his God.

A man seeking excellence, he made his mark in the business world providing well for those he loved. Dad’s first journey was a great success and there is no doubt that his second will be better. He told me he had seen her in his dreams and knew just where to look and it was a beautiful place. His memory will be with us always.

Please visit morrisonfuneralhomes.com to leave tributes and condolences for the family.

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