DAR Chief Colbert Chapter Present Their Essay Winners

by Lynn McMillen
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_MG_3433TUSCUMBIA-During the monthly meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution Chief Colbert Chapter there was more than just minutes to the last meeting, comradeship or good food, there were young people, outstanding citizens in their own right.

The DAR presented their Good Citizen Essay winners from Colbert and Franklin County.  The top three winners this year were Simran Nicole Mahbubani from Covenant Christian School,  Maggie Lana Hiser from Vina High School and Brett Landon Baker  from Sheffield High School.  Each of these scholars were chosen by ACT scores, high school transcripts, recommendations from school and members of the community,
school activities, and essay.

Brett Baker family
Maggie Hiser family
Simran Mahbubani family

We present to you two of the essays that were given by the students:

Simran Mahbubani

Simran Mahbubani

As one of the youngest countries, America stands in the forefront among world leaders and innovators. America is different from other countries in that we lack ancient customs and traditions. However, America’s history is one-of-a-kind. Based on America’s rich past, several conclusions can be made regarding her future.
Beginning as a handful of small colonies that managed to unite and successfully break away from England, America illustrated that she is bold and strong. Since then we have survived a civil war and two world wars. We have braved natural disasters, depressions, and terrorist attacks, proving that we are independent and can hold our own against any adversary. America will continue to thrive, and, because we have survived so much, future generations have the inspiration to stay strong and live up to the American standard.
America has stayed compassionate through our many struggles. The government acts in the interest of the people, instead of self-serving. We have a National Guard to help citizens when natural disaster strikes. America even shows compassion to other countries, sending troops to help the students in the Middle East. America has never been indifferent towards a situation and will continue to care for her citizens on an individual level.
America has always been an industrious country. Americans are inventors, developing the airplane and the automobile. It was an American who discovered electricity and came up with the ideas of an assembly line and interchangeable parts. We think of new ways to do things, and we will continue to do so, changing the world in the process.
America is a great country because of the opportunities offered to anyone who is willing to work hard. America is famous for “rags-to-riches” stories, and the very idea of success is such a beacon to others that immigrants are desperately trying to get in and be a part of the American Dream.- Simran Manbubani


Brett Baker

Brett Baker

Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving It
Focus Question: What does our past tell us about our future?
Our nation’s past is a direct representation of our future. It guides every decision we make. With the knowledge of our past, it will help us not to make the same decisions twice. People who cannot remember the past will repeat it.
The whole reason there is history in school systems is not only for the knowledge of our country, but also that we learn about the past. It gives citizens knowledge. Just like when one makes a mistake, the first time it is a mistake, the second time it is a choice. Without knowledge of the past, we are bound to repeat the same mistakes. This knowledge makes the future brighter.
Our heroic country’s past tells us that in our future we will be determined. Men and women chose the brave risk to create the greatest nation on Earth. They had one goal in mind- freedom. This is what shaped our country to what it is founded on today- home of the brave and land of the free. It shows our future if one has a goal in mind;, one has to be willing to sacrifice his or her life for it.
Our past gives our future hope. The greatest country on Earth, America, was not built overnight. It was built on the battlefield where countless men and women fought and sacrificed their lives to make this country what it is. Without them, there would be no freedom. The past gives the future motivation for a better tomorrow.
It is our job to learn about the past of this great country. When one loves something, they want to know as much as possible about it. They become obsessed with it. That is how we should feel about America. It is an honor to live here and many people take that for granted.
Brett Baker 2
When one shows they love this country, they show all of the characteristics of a DAR Good Citizen. If the whole country could do that, there is no telling how bright our future would be.- Brett Baker

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