In Loving Memory of Carolyn French
It is with heavy hearts that we bid farewell to Carolyn French, who departed from this world on October 4, 2024, at the age of 79.
Carolyn embraced life, family, and friends with an open heart. To know her was to experience her radiant joy—she had a way of making every person she met feel like an old friend. To her, a stranger was just a friend she hadn’t met yet. Her default was happiness, and if you were lucky enough to be in her life, you knew that she loved you deeply.
She cherished her time with family, the thrill of travel, and the simple pleasure of singing. Her laughter came easily, always paired with a beautiful smile that could brighten any room. Sharing a meal with her was an experience—every dish was, as she’d say, “the best thing you ever put in your mouth.”
She’s on her next adventure singing with the angels, walking with Jesus, and combing through the heavenly library. Carolyn’s warmth and joy will be deeply missed by all who knew her, but her spirit lives on in the countless lives she touched, but we know heaven is happy to have her.