Beverly Payne-Priest, a strong, independent woman, triumphantly battled cancer on three occasions before meeting the Lord on February 16th, 2018. Born in Red Bay, Alabama on January 16, 1943, Beverly lived life to the fullest. In her final years, she returned to her native Red Bay home as a dedicated and loving mother and grandmother. Beverly leaves us in body, but her spirit and love will continue to shine on in those that knew and loved her and in her great-grandson, Kylar Joseph, a native son of Red Bay and student of Red Bay High School. She will truly be missed.
Graveside services will be Friday, February 23, 1 p.m. at Ridge Cemetery, Golden, MS. Burial will be in Ridge Cemetery, Golden, MS. Deaton Funeral Home, Red Bay, AL assisted the family.
She is survived by two daughters -Cynthia Robbins, Red Bay, AL and Rhonda Looper, Tampa, FL; five grandchildren – Austin Ellis, Starlette T. Ellis, Matthew Lyons, Jerrad Wells and Jennifer Wells and seven great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by Roy Wasson, partner in life; her parents, George and Vela Payne; four brothers, Buddy, Felix, Conrad and Frank Payne; one sister, Doris Brown; and one great-grandchild.