Benefits of a Dead Tree

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Raccoon in snagMONTGOMERY-As a wildlife biologist, I regularly visit with landowners to give them management advice. During these meetings, I have had landowners point to a dead tree and tell me they just haven’t gotten around to cutting it down. They often step back when I ask, “Why would you want to do that?” Many people assume that a dead tree should be cut. Cutting it is a good idea if the tree is in an area frequented by people or livestock, or if it is threatening a power line or structure. However, a dead tree, or “snag,” in the forest is natural and beneficial.

In forested habitats, cavity-nesting birds may account for 30-45 percent of the total cavity nesting birdsbird population. These species are largely dependent on snags for nesting, roosting, foraging and other functions. Snags are often a rich source of food. Wildlife will forage on the external surface of the bark, the inner cambium layer and the heartwood of the tree.

While primary excavators are species that actually carve nesting and foraging cavities in snags, the cavities they create can have a long life span with many various users. Secondary cavity users inhabit either natural cavities or cavities abandoned by other species. Chickadees, bluebirds, wood ducks, titmice, great crested flycatchers, nuthatches, barred owls, screech owls and kestrels often use cavities created by woodpeckers. DEAD TREEIn addition, bats, gray squirrels, fox squirrels, flying squirrels, raccoons, frogs, snakes, honeybees, wasps and spiders also use the cavities. An absence of suitable snags can be a major limiting factor for some cavity-dependent wildlife populations.

With this in mind, some landowners actually kill trees in areas lacking natural snags. When creating a snag, remember that the larger the tree, the more use it will normally receive. In addition, always keep safety in mind and avoid deadening a tree that might fall into an area regularly frequented by people or livestock. Snags should be large and well distributed using both hard and soft woods.

There is something very natural about planting trees and watching them grow; killing them doesn’t come so naturally. While I am not ready to kick off a “let’s kill trees campaign,” I can say I have seen the practice to be extremely effective in providing nesting and feeding opportunities for birds. Before you run to get the saw the next time you come across a dead tree in your forest, pay attention to how much wildlife is using it. You might just be surprised.


MEDIA RELEASE/Joel D. Glover, Certified Wildlife Biologist, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries

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