Basement Burlesque Kings and Queens …Singing…Dancing…Feathers!

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GroupPhoto250x125FLORENCE– A crowd of people filled Pegasus Records’ Garage in anticipation last Saturday night for the Basement Burlesque Kings and Queens sexy variety show.


Singing, group numbers, clever costume transformations and stellar routes electrified the CrowdShot600x400packed house with cheers, dance and entertainment. The ladies’ and gents’ acts were loaded with confidence, high heels and sometimes feathers. Every performer lit up the crowd with their charms, glitter and stage props.

FireThrower400x600Intermission and the post show was set aflame by the Circus Centripetus. Literally, men and women were juggling fire and light! The show ended in an offstage dance party.

Show resulted in hun dreds of dollars being raised for LGBTQ support. The Troupe also gave away Flash Dance tickets to the Von Braun Center in Huntsville to the winner of the onstage dance off.
Basement Burlesque is a place of confidence, beauty, talent and the occasional fire ball. I give the Kings and Queens show five sexy leg kicks out of five.

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