Ask The Lawyer – McCutcheon & Hamner’s Christmas Letter

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Tom McCutcheon - Attorney at Law

Tom McCutcheon – Attorney at Law

Merry Christmas from all of us at McCutcheon & Hamner. We are truly blessed to be able to do what we want to do. We really enjoy our work and we have a lot to be thankful for. I had a lady say to me one time that she had everything she needed and most of what she wanted and I have never forgotten that. If we can get to that point in life, we are doing pretty well.

Every time I write a column, I end it with “buckle up and drive safely”. I have seen an endless stream of people over the last 26 years who have been injured and their lives changed because others were careless or distracted. My son and I last week were very nearly rear-ended while stopped in traffic. I was lucky and had left over a car length between me and the car in front of us and was able to stab the gas and brake and avoid the collision behind us. Traffic was heavy with Christmas shoppers and there was no reason for the people behind us to crash into each other.

Sometimes insurance companies don’t see the value of cases or how badly someone is hurt or how it affected their lives or their family. It becomes our job to tell their story. It becomes the jury’s job to compensate them and at the same time make our community safer for all of us. Lawyers can’t say to the jury “what if this were your child” or “what if this were your mother”. The judge would declare a mistrial because that is too powerful to even think about. The fact is it’s always someone’s child or someone’s mother who was injured and when juries do their jobs and render a fair and adequate verdict the world becomes safer for all of us.

So, take your time, never get angry behind the wheel and leave plenty of distance between your car and the car in front of you. Remember times have changed and like it or not people are driving while talking about dinner or their love life on a cell phone. They are just not paying attention so you better drive defensively.

Let’s all make good financial decisions, read Dave Ramsey every week and let’s try to get everything we need and most of what we want.

Buckle up and drive safely and have a Merry Christmas.

McCutcheon & Hamner, P.C.

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877 837-4878

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