THE SHOALS-The Shoals Democratic Club will hold their monthly meeting on March 16 at 6:30 Pm with a meet and greet to welcome the speaker Amy Wasyluks, President of the Alabama Democratic Women. their will be special music by Deja White King. The event is held at IBEW 558 1803 East 17th Street.
Everyone is invited.
Bio on Amy Wasyluks:
Amy was born in Troy, Alabama and adopted at 6 months old. Amy’s parents, who are now retired, served as educators in Alabama for over 20 years. When she was 17, She was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She survived and graduated from Hoover High School in 2 years.
Amy attended Auburn University where she developed a lifelong desire to serve her community that led her to major in Political Science. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science in 2006.
She went on to study law. In 2009, She graduated from the University of Alabama School Of Law and married her husband Tim. Tim is a member of the Alabama Army National Guard and also serves as a civilian contract attorney for the U.S. Army. They moved to Madison in 2011, where they reside with their three-year-old daughter and our two dogs.
Since law school, Amy have worked in a variety of legal areas, including family law, bankruptcy, civil litigation and appeals. Amy’s work as an attorney has given her the ability to serve the people of her community, and has taught her many things including how to work with parties on all sides of an issue and that the quick and easy answer is very rarely the correct one. She know the value of common sense, and that to solve problems you must confront the reality you have rather than the one you would like to have.
Media Release/Shoals Democratic Club
of Colbert and Lauderdale Counties