ADPH asks for input to improve health in your local community

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MONTGOMERY-The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) mission is to promote, protect, and improve Alabama’s health and provide the people of the state with the highest quality service possible. To reach this goal, ADPH would like to hear from its residents!

The 2023 Community Health Issues Survey is part of the State Health Assessment that ADPH utilizes to identify health issues in challenges on the county and community level. Previously in 2019, the survey was used to identify 14 top health concerns for Alabama. From this information, ADPH can better serve based on the highest needs.

The survey is for those older than 18 years old, and it should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary, and all responses will be kept confidential. All responses will need to be completed by November 30, 2023.

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