Robert Aderholt
WASHINGTON — Congressman Robert Aderholt (AL-04) released the following statement after voting in favor of the Fiscal Responsibility Act.
“With the circumstances that we find ourselves in with a divided government, I think this agreement not only reflects the reality of the situation, it is a step in the right direction. If Republicans were in control of the Senate and the White House, then I would certainly expect more – more cuts to domestic spending, more funding for our national defense, more restraint on the debt ceiling in the future. However, under this bill, we will, for the first time in our nation’s history, spend less money that we did the previous year. It will lead us to smaller government and more prosperity. We all know that this agreement is not perfect, but let’s be clear: Republicans will not stop here in our ongoing fight for fiscal accountability.”
Media Release/Carson G. Clark/Communications Director/Office of Rep. Robert B. Aderholt (AL-04)