Aderholt Statement on Heroes Act

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WASHINGTON, DC-On Friday, May 15, Congressman Robert Aderholt (AL-04) spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives to express his opposition to the Heroes Act. His statement was as follows:

“Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong opposition to this bill. 


No doubt, as it has been said, state and local governments across this nation are hurting because of the economic downturn this virus has created.


However, these times call for cooperation, the Democrats, unfortunately, have chosen partisanship.  America needs us to come together to address this pandemic, but the Democrats chose their own way, shutting out the Republicans in discussing this bill. 


Unfortunately, the Democrat leadership seems more interested in shaping the debate for November than solving the real problems that this country is going through today.


Among the many concerns with this package is the election mandates.  The Democrat pipe dream would lead to widespread voter fraud by allowing ballot harvesting and prohibiting even states from requiring voter Identification.


Let me be clear – this bill is chocked full of proposals that have absolutely nothing to do with addressing the economic harms from the pandemic virus that we’re experiencing in this nation. 


A three trillion dollar liberal wish list is not a serious proposal.  The United States of America, this country, deserves better”.

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