WASHINGTON, D.C. —On Wednesday, February 10th, Congressman Robert Aderholt will launch a broadband internet survey on his official website and his official Facebook page. People across the 4th District, which makes up parts of 16 counties in North Alabama, are encouraged to complete the survey. (The Congressman asks that only those who live in the 4th District complete the survey. A full list of counties can be found here.) The survey will be available until Friday, February 19, 2021.
The survey is being conducted to gauge where in the District broadband is available, the interest in obtaining broadband access, and how people currently use the internet.
“When Americans first started using the internet back in the 1990s, it was more of a luxury and seen as something fun rather than essential,” Congressman Aderholt said. “But in 2021, having access to high-speed internet is just as essential as electricity and running water. Since I worked create the ReConnect Program in 2018, thousands of homes across the 4th District have been connected to broadband, but there are still areas where it isn’t available. This survey will help us to determine where in the District the biggest needs still exist. I encourage all people in the 4th District to complete this survey.”
People who do not currently have access to broadband at their homes are encouraged to take the survey when they are in a location which does have access, such as their workplace, school or on a public Wi-Fi system.
The survey will be available Wednesday morning (February 10) at www.aderholt.house.gov and also at http://www.facebook.com/RobertAderholt/
Media Release/Carson Clark/Office of Robert Aderholt, Congressman