Aderholt Condemns Hamas, Cosponsors Resolution Supporting Israel

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WASHINGTON Congressman Robert Aderholt released the following statement to condemn the terrorist group Hamas and to announce that he has cosponsored a resolution in the House of Representatives to show support for Israel.

“The attacks, kidnappings, and murders carried out over the weekend by Hamas were shocking to people around the world who value humanity, justice, and the rule of law.  The videos and pictures coming out of Israel are gut wrenching.  I stand with Israel and her people, and I stand against Hamas and anyone who dares defend their heinous actions.

Robert Aderholt

Robert Aderholt

“Let me be clear – these attacks on Israel were terrorist activities at the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah, aided and abetted by Iran. Like the Nazis of World War II, their only goal is to kill Jews and anyone who dares support Israel.  We will not be stopped in our unwavering support of Israel, no matter who is behind these terrorist actions.

“Today I have joined with almost 400 of my colleagues from both sides of the aisles, to sponsor a resolution standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric actions launched by Hamas and other terrorists, and condemning Hamas’ brutal strikes against Israel.

“Israel is a sovereign nation. They have a right to exist and to live peacefully, but if terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, or any nation-state decides to attack Israel directly or through proxy groups, then Israel has every right to defend itself completely. 

We must stand with Israel and continue to pray for all those hurt, taken hostage and for the families of the dead.  We will not quickly forget about this brutal attack.”

Media Release/Office of   Congressman Robert Aderholt Alabama 4th District

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