Additional Outdoor Dining Available in Downtown Athens

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ATHENS – Visitors to downtown Athens have a new opportunity to enjoy outdoor dining thanks to new tables on the courthouse lawn.

This past summer, Athens City Schools loaned Athens Main Street tables to encourage outdoor dining. The tables were a huge success that the Limestone County Commission has agreed to make them a permanent feature of downtown.

Athens Main Street would like to thank the sponsors of the five tables which include the City of Athens, The Ming Family, Limestone County Commission, Athens State University Foundation, and RheAnna King. King sponsored a table in honor of her father that died this year, Ros Richardson.

The tables are located on the east side of the courthouse lawn. Athens Main Street will have additional sponsorship opportunities with another Downtown project that will be announced in the coming weeks.

Athens Main Street Executive Director Tere Richardson said, “The pandemic has impacted all of our merchants. I want to encourage everyone to grab takeout, enjoy the additional outdoor dining, and stop by their favorite merchants to shop for the holiday season.”

Athens Mayor Ronnie Marks said, “The Square and Downtown Athens are the heart of our community, and this provides families and visitors a wonderful way to gather and enjoy what downtown has to offer.”

Limestone County Commission Chairman Collin Daly said, “This project has brought families and friends back to the Limestone County Courthouse grounds to spend time together, just as they did years ago.” Chairman Daly continued and said, “The Commission is thankful to everyone that helped make this project possible.”

Media Release/Blake Williams Communications

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