A Few December Events At FLPL

by Jennifer Keeton
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FLORENCE– The Florence-Lauderdale Public Library have several events scheduled for the first couple of weeks in December to help kick off your holiday season instyle.

holiday-coffee-drinksHOLID.I.Y Gifts and Drinks
Monday, November 30, 5:30 pm
Join the library and Bookmarks Coffee Shop to prepare for the holidays! We’ll be giving samples of holiday teas and coffees that make great gifts. Plus, we’ll be making crafts and gifts with coffee beans and grounds. For more information, call 256-764-6564, ext. 24.


A Christmas Carol: A Staged ReadingKen-Lawson-and-Bill-Foster-300x175
Friday, December 4, 7:00 pm
Florence-Lauderdale Public Library and Pillar of Fire present our annual dramatic reading of A Christmas Carol. Local actors will bring to life Charles Dickens’ classic tale of how some ghostly visitors help the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge to rediscover the joy of Christmas. Admission is free, and all ages are welcome. For more information, call 256-764-6564, ext. 28.

LOS ANGELES, CA., NOVEMBER 20, 2012--Book illustration for the holiday books. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times) Illustration by Paul Gonzales / Los Angeles Times

HOLID.I.Y. Book Art
Monday, December 7, 5:30 pm
Make and bring home a holiday decoration with this DIY program at FLPL. We’ll be using books and other craft supplies to make Christmas trees, angels, and snowmen. There is a $5 fee to cover the cost of materials, and registration is required. Call 256-764-6564, ext. 27 or email classes@flpl.org to sign up.


Book Talk/Signing – Jim & Nancy: Two Paths Merged by War by Danny Creasy51COSMBFqLL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_
Saturday, December 12, 10:30 am
Karen Creasy, Dr. Monty Shelton, John Butler, and Danny Creasy will read excerpts from Danny’s book, Jim & Nancy: Two Paths Merged by War. The reading selections are from December 1944 in honor and memory of those who fought 71 years ago in the Battle of the Hürtgen Forest and the Battle of the Bulge. A presentation of historic photographs will accompany the readings.

The program is scheduled for Saturday, December 12, 2015, and will begin at 10:30 A.M.. Following the one-hour presentation, the author will be available to sign copies of Jim & Nancy. An attendee may purchase a copy at the event ($16.00) or bring his or her previously acquired copy for signing. With Christmas looming and gifting always being a seasonal challenge, the author is offering multi-copy purchase discounts of two for $30, three for $42, or four for $52.

Please come and enjoy this poignant and educational program for more information, call 256-764-6564, ext. 28.

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