Welcome Autumn and Scare a Crow…Visit Rogersville

by Lynn McMillen
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Hungry birds have always been a problem for farmers. Birds, such as crows, sometimes ate so much corn or wheat that farmers did not have enough food to last through the winter. As long as birds are hungry, farmers will look for way to SCARE CROWS.  The straw-filled friends known as scarecrows are familiar figures of the rural landscape. The ragged figure has been recorded in rural history for centuries as a deterrent.


Making scarecrows is great fun and can add to the appearance of the garden, as well as keep the birds away. The appearance and personality of your scarecrow is only limited by your imagination.  In Rogersville the merchants and home owners have taken it to the next level .  They decorate their homes and storefronts with Scarecrows that have style and personality.   They did it last year to celebrate the coming of Fall and it was such a hit it has now become a tradition for the city of Rogersville.  Here are just a few of the many SCARE CROWS you will find throughout the city.

Rogersville is having their Fall Colors Festival today from 9 am until 2pm…vendors and beautiful fall colors and don’t forget visit the Scare Crows !

How to make a Scare Crow:


  • Start with a frame of a stick of wood or a tool handle, attaching a shorter cross piece for the arms.
  • Create a head or face (decorate the tool face or add a pillow case then give facial details.
  • Dress the scarecrow in ragged or discarded clothing or overalls (or clothing suitable to the “personality” you have chosen for your scarecrow).
  • Attach socks and shoes for feed, gloves for hands.
  • Hair could be made from a wig, straw, raffia, shredded material or a mop head.
  • Accessorize with a hat, cap, glasses or sunglasses, jewelry, scarf, ribbon, purse, garden tools, etc.
  • Stuffing should be weatherproof, such as straw or stuffed bags. Keep stuffing in clothing by tying with twine, string or ribbon.
  • Plant your creation! Push the bottom of the long stake or handle into the ground. The scarecrow could also be attached to a fence or gate post.

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