FLORENCE-“Growing Forward to a New Normal: Creating Resilience in Urban Landscapes” is the theme of this year’s event.
A program featuring outstanding speakers with expertise in varied fields will present current research and trends for the home gardener and the urban landscape, that can help us understand and address the issues of environmental and climate resilience.
The early registration cost is $45.00 and includes lunch.
In addition, recertification classes for Green Industry Professionals will be held on Thursday, March 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Participants can receive recertification points and CEU’s.
The Public is invited. On-site registration starts at 8:00 a.m. and the cost is $50.00.
The Conference is sponsored by the City of Florence Mayor and City Council, the Florence Beautification Board, the Florence Tree Commission, and the City’s Urban Forestry/Horticultural Department.
Thursday, March 17, 2022: Pesticide Recertification Class
Friday, March 18, 2022: Conference
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Cross Point Church of Christ
1350 Cox Creek Parkway, Florence, AL
Registration form and Brochure: www.florenceal.org.
Information: 256-760-6400.
Media Release/Rachel Mansell/City of Florence