Governor Bentley Submits Alabama’s WIOA Plan

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WIOA-LogoMONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley on Friday announced the Governor’s Combined State Plan on workforce development and training opportunities has been submitted to the federal government. The plan is meant to serve as a guide to improve workforce development and describes actions to implement the programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2015 (WIOA).

Alabama’s Workforce Development Board (AWDB) developed the plan and submitted the  report to the Governor earlier this week.

“I appreciate the hard work of the Alabama Workforce Development Board to develop a

Robert Bentley

Robert Bentley

comprehensive plan to guide our state over the next four years,” Governor Bentley said. “The workforce development plan shows that many state agencies are working together to create opportunities to grow Alabama’s workforce, to make sure job seekers have the skills needed to fill positions desired by employers, and that qualified Alabama citizens are filling those jobs.”

Representatives from the core and partner state agencies began monthly task force meetings in July 2015 to share ideas and collaborate on the WIOA Strategic Plan for Alabama. Task Force planning activities were designed to share agency resources, identify needs for new or improved services and programs, and to identify areas where duplicated or competing services can be eliminated. Within the plan, action items are based on initiatives created in the Accelerate Alabama Strategic Economic Development Plan and action items recommended by the Alabama Workforce Council. The plan is a product of collaboration, alignment of programs and efficient use of resources through the various partner programs.

George Clark

George Clark

“The Alabama Workforce Development Board, which was appointed by Governor Robert Bentley, brings the state of Alabama closer to full alignment between business, industry, and education and bringing those sectors together with job seekers,” George Clark, chair of the AWD Board said. “Alabama’s Workforce Investment Board is composed of representatives of the Alabama Workforce Council, the Regional Workforce Development Councils and key industry sectors, as outlined in the Accelerate Alabama plan. On behalf of the AWD Board of Directors, I would like to thank Governor Bentley for his continued leadership in workforce development and economic development in the state of Alabama.”

The main focus of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is to assist eligible citizens to become work ready through Adult Workforce programs, Dislocated Worker Programs, Youth Training Programs, Adult Education and Vocational

Fitzgerald Washington

Fitzgerald Washington

Rehabilitation services.  The programs are managed by the state through the Workforce Development Division of the Department of Commerce and services in the field are rendered through the Alabama Career Centers managed by the Alabama Department of Labor, but funded by Commerce WIOA funds.

“The WIOA is a sweeping piece of legislation that will impact a significant portion of our population,”

, Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Labor said.  “The Alabama Career Center System is at the front line in providing the valuable services covered under the Act. These services will allow people to get additional vocational or educational training, earn degrees, and ultimately reach their goal of finding gainful employment.  We are proud to present this plan which gives us the ability to work with all of these wonderful partners to help Alabamians’ dreams come true.”

The full report is available here.

The executive summary can be found here.

Media Release/Office of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley

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