Florence businessman arrested on child enticement charges

by Steve Wiggins
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Ira Kneeland Hibbett - Arrested

Ira Kneeland Hibbett – Arrested

BALDWIN COUNTY – Tuesday of this week, Florence business-owner Ira Kneeland Hibbett was arrested and placed in jail on a charge of enticing a child for immoral purposes, according to Court records.

In the complaint, Hibbett, age 48 and managing partner of Hibbett Patient Care in Florence and Baldwin County, wrote a note on a napkin to an under-16 year old girl that read, “Hello I’m Kneeland Room 3118. (He then writes his cell number.) I am alone. Have fun :)”

According to the records, Hibbett was released on a $5-thousand bond a few hours after he was arrested, but was later picked up by police shortly thereafter. According to records, a condition of his bond set be the Baldwin County Court was that he was not to have any contact with minors. According to records, Hibbett was caught in a phone call with his 12-year old daughter.


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