COLBERT HEIGHTS – It was a big afternoon this past week for folks in the community of Colbert Heights. They had their homecoming parade. Lots of residents and High School Alumni were on hand for the festivities.
Marie Jenkins sent these event photos in to us at The Quad-Cities Daily. She did a great job! She also sent us a note about someone in the community who deserves some recognition.
Here’s what she has to say about Jeff Suggs:
“Jeff Suggs and his brother, owners of The Melrose Store in Colbert Heights, have the right idea for being part of the community.
For 4 years now, the Colbert Heights Parade has been going by Jeff’s store. He has been giving back to the community by setting up a concession booth outside his store and giving away drinks, chips, snacks, and free parking to the crowd that gathers to watch the Colbert Heights parades.
Jeff and his brothers are all graduates of Colbert Heights, and have a sense of community pride.
Personally, I wish we could see more like them. They are making the world a better place one person at a time.”
Here are the photos: Make yourself a copy!